Katuro's Mission Data

Aug 28, 2009 02:14

Luckily for me I have an actual list of missions and I do remember how they all went, all the good and all the bad.


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User: Donovan

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Status Changes:

July 18, Katuro was premoted to Soldier.
July 24, Katuro starts leadership training.
August 27, Katuro is demoted back to Grunt. Begins probation period.

(Listing IC Missions done)

Mission:#001: Assassination, Joan Right
#002: Assassination, Crill Seegan
#003: Capture, Pride
#004: Destruction, Electric-type building
#005: Demolition, Hydra Base bombing
#006: Group Assassination, West Beach
#007: Leadership Testing, Shipping crates @ Pokemorph Island Docks
#008: Ship Raid Mission


Mission #001:

Status: Success

Target: Joan Right

Description: Assassinate Joan Right and dispose of the body in a secluded location. The Morph is commonly seen standing upon a short rock pier torwards the northwest side of the island. The target is a male jolteon, mildly thin build, wears a purple sweatshirt commonly, left ear is cleaved.

Mission Log: Katuro was sent to kill this man solely on his own and dispose of the body. The Morph was dispatched without flaw, and no trace of the body remains. Katuro reports there was a small skirmish from an on looker, but claims the victim was disposed of as well. No news reports have discovered this body. End of log.

Mission #002

Status: Success

Target: Crill Seegan

Description: Assassinate Crill Seegan and dispose of the body in a secluded location. The Morph is commonly found walking between Mt. Prism and the South Beach. The target is a male vaporeon, skinny build, middle aged, wears blue shorts, has a strong Jamaican accent, and a thin scar along the back.

Mission Log: Katuro was sent alone to dispose of Crill Seegan. The target was dispatched and no news reports appeared. However, Katuros report was delayed as he was seen recovering at the Divine Children Estate. Upon recovery he returned to the base to report that his injuries were given by an on looker. The fight was with another vaporeon. The skirmish was lengthy, Katuro sustaining severe injuries from a sword (injury report in Medical file #B10300). He claims the victim was disposed of but was too injured to return to the base, instead a person by the name of Timda found him and took him into DC: Estates care. There are no police reports of this incident.

Mission #003

Status: Success

Target: Pride Taylor

Description: Capture Pride Taylor, the target is often seen in the city, often in public areas with lots of other Morphs. Heavy warning is advised on your choice of COA. (Course Of Action)

Mission Log: Pride Taylor was isolated and brought in by Katuro. He reports that there was little resistance capturing the subject. Pride Taylor was captured in a more isolated section of the city park Rainbow Park. These actions remain undiscovered by the PIA or any on lookers. A clean cut mission. End of log.

Mission #004

Status: Success

Description: Destroy the building by means of causing a series of short circuits. Pretending the building was burned down due to faulty wiring. You will be working with Elite Donovan for further mission details.

Mission Log: The mission was a done without a hitch. The news reports say the building burned to the ground due to faulty wiring in the building itself. Reports of Katuros actions by Donovan say that he did what he was told and did fine with his part of the mission. End of log.

Mission #005

Status: Success

Description: Bombing of the Hydra Base. Your mission is to hold off as many Hydra or civilians as possible to keep them from disarming the bombs. You are to do this by sniper support from a hidden position overwatching the bomb area.

Mission Log: Katuro did as he was told and had taken down neumerous members of Hydra and civilians in the process. He was in, and out, and only one Morph discovered his location before he left. Video records of the events were given freely of Katuros will. End of log.

Mission #006

Status: Mild Success

Description: You are to be assigned to a team to take down a group of four people who are on Team Rockets list of people to kill. Squad leader will be assigned to you, taking them down will be at your descresion. This group commonly meets up at the west beach, alone.

Mission Log: Katuro and his group manage to dispose of three of the targets, but one escapes, persuers were sent to chase after but target was left due to fleeing to the cities public. In mid mission, Elite Torment arrives without notice to assist in the assassiation. The missing target has gone under the radar, he is presumed alive but under a different identity. End of log.

Mission #007

Status: Failiure

Description: You are assigned to monitor the shipping of crates being imported from the mainland. You will be further observed by Torment.

Mission Log: Katuro failed to report to show up, during his absence Torment took position and a run in with the PIA had occured. Records of shipping data were copied and destroyed. Katuro is to be reprimanded. End of log.

Mission #008

Status: Failiure

Description: You are to report to the Rocket Base for a detailed debriefing by your CO Donovan. Further mission details will be reported upon arrival.

Mission Log: Katuro along with his assigned group managed to successfully keep things covert and under the radar. He even helped bring a fair bit of cargo on to their extraction ship. Things backfired however when Katuro had placed a bomb inside of the engine room of the ship Annebelle. Without explicit permission detonated the device inside the ship. News reporters discover that the ship may have been tampered with and caused to sink. Katuro has actions taken against him to have pay reduction, demotion, and two months of probation. End of log.

End of mission list.



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