I just took and orgo exam and have no motivation to do work.

Sep 25, 2008 22:25

1. Who is your favorite author?
Hm. This is a tricky one. Even since I picked up Walk Two Moons, I have been a huge fan of Sharon Creech. She tells great stories, and she's really good at using a distinct voice for her characters. She also does really great plot twists; they're not like crazy or anything, it's just like you read it and go "Wait, what? That changes the entire story!" and then you have to read it again.
2. What is your favorite book/series?
Harry Potter. Duh
3. Who is a book hero you most wish to be like?
I haven't read Little Women in a long time, but I remember being a huge fan of Jo because she took charge of her life when a) it wasn't well respected for women to do so and b) so many things in her life sucked. I toyed with the idea of Elizabeth Bennet, but as much as I would love to be wooed by Mr. Darcy, she sat on her ass a lot.
4. Who is a book character that you envy?
Bella Swan (no judgement allowed!!!!) because even Andrew could never love me the way that Edward Cullen loves her.
5. Which book do you wished you lived in?
Hm. Depends on what mood I'm in - sometimes it's Hogwarts, sometimes it's Camelot, sometimes it's on a spaceship hurtling towards Magrathea...

So I just realize that I haven't posted in who knows how long. So instead of recapping everything, I'm going to talk about school so far and then do another survey.

School so far is pretty sweet. I know I wrote lots of angry rants about living with a roommate last year, but I'm actually enjoying the triple this year. My roommates Dana and Anita are two of my favorites here, but we're so busy with our individual activities that we're rarely in the room together at the same time. We're on a pretty synchronized sleep schedule, and we all have really similar personalities, so everything's working out really well.

Classes are superinteresting, which is nice. I'm actually a big fan of all my professors and all the subject matter we're going over right now. It's actually funny how so much of it overlaps: my Evolutionary Behavior class brought up topics discussed in Behavioral Biology which were then brought up in Psychology. I'm a big fan of Organic Chemistry (aka orgo) in comparison to general chemistry, so that makes me happy too.

The biggest source of stress in my life right now is trying to figure out housing for next year. We're only guaranteed two years of on-campus housing, so most people live in an apartment for their junior and senior years. All of my friends, however, are living with sorority sisters or going abroad for a semester, so they're going to sublet from someone else. One-person apartments are really expensive, and I'm not a huge fan of living by myself with no one I know, but I really don't have other options. Well, unless I live in a house of boys, but that's a totally undesirable idea.

Speaking of boys, yes, Andrew and I are coming up on our three-year anniversary. It's disgusting lol. It's been a little bit easier so far this year, but it's still early. For our anniversary, I got him a new wallet (his old one consists of mostly duct tape), and I put a bunch of picture of us in there and then I'm going to load it up with gift cards for him. I'm really proud of how cute and idea this is lol.

I think that's it in my life now. Oh, I'm coming home for the second weekend in October for Fall Break, and I'll be in town for Thanksgiving too. Superpumped for that.

[01] Do you have the guts to answer these questions and re-post as The Controversial Survey?
Obviously, I'm answering them now...

[02] Would you do meth if it was legalized?
Ew. Have you seen what meth addicts' teeth look like?

[03] Abortion: for or against it?
I fully support a woman's right to choose an abortion. I don't always approve of the circumstances under which this decision is sometimes made, because sometimes I think that people who are stupid enough to have unprotected sex and think they won't eventually get pregnant should be forced to carry the baby and then put it up for adoption. I would never actually advertise for this, but people like that make me frustrated.

I had to think about this long and hard recently. One of my friends here was having sex with her boyfriend and the condom ripped. She can't be on birth control because she's on a lot of behavioral and psychiatric medications, and for that reason she also can't take Plan B. She's about 5 feet even and 85 pounds wet, so she obviously wouldn't be in the best shape to support a healthy pregnancy. But when I found out, it was presented as more of a "she's waiting for the pregnancy test to see if she has to get an abortion" than "she's going to figure out what to do once she knows" thing. Personally, I was unreasonably hurt by that, even though I knew it wasn't supposed to be offensive to me. I agree that, given the circumstance (she likes to drink a lot, and her boyfriend is a HUGE pothead, so it's not like the baby would have had the health thing going for it, and it would have thrown her education off track and possibly caused lots of health problems), it would have been in everyone's best interest to not have the baby, but I still got angry when I thought about it. I think because it was such a decided thing, and it was someone I knew, it was very troubling for me. Thankfully, she wasn't pregnant, so I don't have to worry about what the hell I would have done if she needed an abortion.

[04] Do you think the world would fail with a female president?
Firstly, there is no such thing as a world president. Now that I'm done being a smart-ass, I think that a female president would do good things for the country, but I wouldn't elect a woman JUST because she's a woman. She'd have to prove her worth first, just like any other candidate. Not every woman (or every man) would make a decent, let alone good, president.

[05] Do you believe in the death penalty?
I haven't really thought about it much. I think that there are some people who need to be removed from general society because they are such a threat to people, and thinking about people like Charles Manson potentially escaping from prison scares me, but I don't really know how I feel about it.

[06] Do you wish marijuana would be legalized already?
Only so people would stop bitching about it. It would also be superprofitable for the government. Although I do know people who used medical marijuana during their treatments for cancer (both terminal and treatable) and it helped their quality of life significantly. That said, I think it should be treated as a drug similar to alcohol in terms of driving restrictions, because it does cause impairment in some people. Even if it were legal, though, I wouldn't date a pothead.

[07] Are you for or against premarital sex?
I don't really think that in today's world it's reasonable to believe that many people are waiting until their wedding night to loose their virginity. I think that the oversexing of the world is unfortunate, but I can't tie my beliefs onto someone else. I think it's more important that you wait until you find someone you really care for, trust, and feel comfortable with and that you are careful about you know STDs and pregnancy and that stuff.

[08] Do you believe in God?
Yes. I question his methods sometimes, but I do strongly believe he's watching over me.

[09] Do you think same sex marriage should be legalized?

[10] Do you think it's wrong that so many Hispanics are illegally moving to the USA?
I mean, I'm biased, because my family has been employing illegal immigrants and helping them get green cards, houses, even citizenship since forever. And I really like Mexican food. I really don't know where I sit on the issue, because we had the same issue with Europeans and Asians many years ago, but this is a bigger problem because it's so prevalent. My biggest problem with the whole immigrant debate is that people are always like "They're taking our jobs!" and it's like Really, Fatso? You're going to pick strawberries in 120 degree weather all day? I think it's just people looking for justification for their racism.

[11] A twelve year old girl has a baby, should she keep it?
Hell no. Her parents could raise it as their own, but I really think that if they only allowed girls to become mothers after turning like 22 there would be a lot more happy babies/children in the world. You can't raise children when you're still a kid yourself.

[12] Should the alcohol age be lowered to eighteen?
I see both sides of the argument. I would like it. Maybe they should say that you can drink at 18 when accompanied by someone over the age of 21 who's driving? Or you can drink at 18 only with a DD? It's mostly the inevitable drink-and-drive thing that I'm concerned with.

[13] Should the war in Iraq be called off?
I'm still not sure. I know a lot of people over there now, and I'm worried about them and their families. I think if we called a ceasefire and then started replacing American troops with Iraqis, maybe that would work? I don't know, there's so much I don't understand.

[14] Assisted suicide is illegal: do you agree?
No. I've actually thought about it, and if I develop a degenerative or neurological disease where I won't be able to recognize my own family after a while, I don't want to go through that or put anyone I love through the same pain. I think that, in some situations, it's justified. I'm not really afraid of death anyways, so I guess it makes more sense to me to greet St. Peter with open arms than to be dragged to the gates screaming.

[15] Do you believe in spanking your children?
I probably won't do it to mine just because it wasn't done to me. In some cases, I know people who were spanked and have amazing self-discipline and great morals, etc. But if it's taken to an extreme, we know what child abuse does to people.

[16] Would you burn an American flag for a million dollars?
Sure. It's an easy million. And I like fire.

[17] Who do you think would make a better president? McCain or Obama?
Obama. If(when) McCain died in office, I would not want to live in a country ruled by Sarah Palin.

[18] Are you afraid others will judge you from reading some of your answers?
Why should they? It's all opinion, I'm not forcing my views on anyone.
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