Welcome to the Apogee legacy! I'd originally considered calling it the Lost Legacy of Poosh, but that met with some hems and haws from my mates, so I picked a different name. An apogee is the opposite of a perigee, and it also happens to be the name of one of my favourite PC game companies from the 90's!
Meet Locke Apogee, the founder of my alien-based Differences in the Family challenge! She is green, has pointy ears, and wants to have 50 Dream Dates. She's outgoing, playful, and messy.
This is the view from just above her house-onna-hill.
Isn't her house lovely? Enclosed spaces are SOOO 2002.
Other people may congratulate their sims on not trying to cook right off the bat, but I disagree. I say burn down the house while you still have a minimum of furniture!
Locke: Oh my god, I've been alive for ten minutes and already a lady is talking to me about sexual innuendos! *+1,000 legacy bingo points*
Locke plants some tomatoes, as per her generation's rules. She also has three fruit trees! Fancy or what?
It's a welcoming wagon! This is a slightly-made-over Meridiana by
And Yazatas, by the same! I tended to keep most of the townies' CC the same, unless they didn't come with much/any. XD
Yazatas: And when he came near me, I SMASHED HIM WITH MY BAT.
Locke: *laughs riotously*
Yazatas: You laughed! I like you!
Locke: Oh, this is a hug. You are...hugging me.
Yazatas: Mmmmm warm.
The three females soon sat down for some girl talk.
Locke: That matchmaker lady sure has a fine ass. And I should know.
Meridiana: Oh yeah, I'd give her a pearl -
Yazatas: Stop right there. We don't want anyone to win legacy bingo this early in the game.
Locke thinks Yazatas is being funny!
Topaz (
ayachan072): Never fear ladies, the Topaz has arrived.
Topaz: Well, hello gorgeous. You must be new around here!
Locke: Yep! I'm a legacy founder!
Topaz: Oooh a legacy babe! Sweet, high five!
I kind of love this man.
More walk...bys? bies? by's? More people walking by! This is Roulette from
Locke is not allowed to get a job, but a girl's gotta live somehow while her tomatoes are growing (forever, and ever, and ever)! So she lives off of a thriving bone-and-rock business.
Locke: I've gotta peeee!
I know dear, I know! That's what the bone is for! We can afford you a crummy toilet now (thank you, guatla, for your broken bathroom set)!
Garden Lady: That's an excellent method of producing fertilizer!
Locke: >[
Topaz: Heeeey it's the legacy babe again! Look, you're pretty radical, so I thought I'd give you this thing I found in my pocket!
They're bigger on the inside.
Locke: I think I can see his dinghy, and I don't like it. I want a man with at least a trawler.
:(...but, but TOPAZ! He gave you a HIGH FIVE and a TELEVISION and you guys aren't even on a date!
Meridiana: What are you doing?
Locke: I am blind-sketching your beautiful face.
Locke: Oh hey, this looks a lot like a turtle.
Meridiana: Yaza, can we go home now?
No you can't, because it is ~mac and cheese~ time! This domestic goddess made dinner for EVERYONE! YEAAAAH!
So, I happen to love the way messy sims eat. I especially love that it takes them like half the time to finish a plate of food than neat sims. Nevertheless, this mess is a little extreme. I even took some triangulation photos to give you a better idea of how far those flecks are going:
Locke definitely has the farmer lifestyle going. She's up at 6am to water her plants and tend her trees. Shame about the lack of livestock, and also the lack of proper farming outfits, but she is an alien after all. Can't expect her to know everything.
This is Biscottino! He's not marrying in this generation.
Biscottino: But-a why? I am sad by this.
bondchick_nett always marries into generation 1 and I am tired of it. Also because you are permanently grumpfaced.
Locke: *obliviously sprays things*
Locke: Come onnn, momma needs a new sink! Or, yanno, a sink at all.
Locke: Hooray! To commemorate this occasion, I have written a poem:
I am Locke
I found a rock
I smell real bad
That makes me sad.
New sink! You know what that means!
Shapely ass time!
Actually it's sponge-bath time. But these bodyshape replacements are seriously delicious.
This dog was growling at her. Apparently Locke is a kill-em-with-kindness kind of a girl.
Awww. After this it growled at her again.
I've never had a sim that gets stinky as fast as Locke, but if you look closely you can see stink clouds wafting from her. She doesn't care, though. She's going for that "catch every fish" goal! because i made her
Why so pissed, Avis (
Locke was unable to greet her. She was, uh, busy.
However, she DID have time to greet this handsome young gentleman! I didn't get a shot of it, but she quite literally sprinted at breakneck speed down her hill to the sidewalk to meet him. Autonomously!
It seems that Eemil (
astro_cake) rolled a shy personality! Aww!
Jupiter (
simchester) is looking mighty trim in her walk-by glory!
Eemil: You're a good person.
Locke: Do I win another TV?
She didn't get a second TV out of the deal, but she did get ADORABLE SHY SIM FLIRTING with him! I'd swear they have more than just the one bolt, for how much she likes this guy.
Eemil: So this is your house? It's fantastic, it's all...*gestures* naturey! I love nature!
I had to crop Locke out of this to get it properly shown, but she really REALLY loves recycling.
Meier (
brknswitch) doesn't share her love of caring for the environment, but he'll listen to anything a pretty lady has to say.
Valentin (
astro_cake) is way too busy being sexy to care about other people.
Elsewhere, Eemil is so shy about flirting with Miss Locke that he is actively consuming his fingers.
It might be hard to tell, but this is actually the next day; 7AM wakin' up in the morning. Gotta be fresh, gotta go downstairs. Gotta trim the trees, gotta make them all pretties...even on Friday.
Locke: Frigga fragga, grumbly mumbly, dumb dirt, hiding all my money...
Noooo, God! Don't smite the lemon tree! We need that for food!
Locke: "Good tidings?" WTF God, this isn't funny.
God: Teeheee.
That was a dick move, God.
Nevertheless, that frog did bring SOME good tidings! Yay, shower!
"When you do things right, people won't be sure you've done anything at all."
Tongs (
thegranddewru) makes our most ADORABLE walkby by a large margin. AWWW.
Locke: Ew, NO Eemil, I don't want to go for drinks! Alcohol is for asshole...coholics!
Locke: Can't we just go out for dinner or something?! Like dar...inner...lings?
Eemil: I didn't say anything about getting drinks. I just wanted to know if you wanted to go bowling.
Locke thinks that being a bastowlingard is okay.
There. Were. So. Many. PT. Sims. Just to warn you, it's a little extreme. First up is Soy, by
Bonaventura, by
Biscottino: I'm still mad at you.
...How did you all get into that taxi?
Valentin is still sexy.
Lilu, by
perchalicious, is also sexy!
Yay, Eemil! I love you, Eemil.
Dunja, by
runningbee. I try not to think about how closely all my townies are technically related...
Mmm, Bruise by
waywardstars is mighty delicious.
And, last but not least, George, from
kkkayleighh. I'm mostly certain she's not a racist. <3 I'm also not sure how George got classes, but I must say that is a very happy accident!
Biscottino: Oh God, this is terrible...
Biscottino: I can't take it...it's too awful...!
Biscottino: I can't bear to look, but I can't bear to turn away!
Biscottino: Ohhhhh that is not good. Not at all good.
Eemil: Are...you okay, buddy?
Locke doesn't give a fuu about whatever hallucination is plaguing Biscottino. She's too busy taking sexying lessons from Valentin.
Locke: So, like this?
Sexy skills acquired, Locke utilizes them immediately by dissolving the casual group and asking Eemil on a ~date~.
Lens flare makes everything awesome.
Eemil: I...think I'm blind now.
It didn't occur to me until too late that all date points I would get from having their pictures taken would be negated by his fears...
But upon seeing the pictures, I decided I did not care! Awww!
Locke: He is so disturbingly hot.
Locke: Although, now that I look at you, Bruise is really hot, too...
I had Locke scope the room so that she could decide who she wanted most...but despite his positively radioactive glow, she has NO bolts with Bruise.
Besides, a first kiss was soon to be had! Not to be sneezed at~!
With that, it was time for Miss Locke to go home and get some sleep. She has to be up in two hours, after all. Although with the time zones she actually ought to get home just about the time she left earlier that day. It's all a bit timey-wimey from there.
I hope you enjoyed my first update in, oh, years and possibly decades. Eons. Yup, it's been a while. I do hope I haven't lost my touch, but eh! Who knows. :D