The Arden Round Robin, 4.1

Nov 12, 2009 10:30

Blanks: AAAAH! OMG, YOU SHOT ME! You SHOT me! I'm...dying~~ dying~~

If you didn't get the joke, let me simply assert that Lars seems to be having difficulty impregnating Cimorene. Now, I shall confess that normally when this is the case, I just whip out the turkey baster InSim and do it that way. But this time, I accepted the challenge. We'll see how long it takes.

Lars: I'm going to build a sculpture for my dearest love...

It's lovely, Lars. Really.

Lars: *is so proud of himself*


Hold up a second. How does your castle look better AFTER you destroy it?
Lars: Science.

Makeovers are my way of keeping myself interested. I can't seem to find a hair for Lars that I really like. I tried going back to bald, and it just wasn't doing it for me.

Meanwhile, Cimorene is obsessively cleaning everything that's ever been touched in the household. She and Lars are going to have SERIOUSLY ocd babies. >.> If they ever conceive.

You'd think babies wouldn't be a problem. Because all day consists of this...

And this...

Interrupted by a little of this...thanks, Gules, for your telephone television transfer. Science!

And then this...

Lars: Wanna do it again? 8D


Lame Potts-legacy reference is lame. >.>

Anyway, their canoodling about the house is interrupted again by Cimorene's stupid CAREER. GEEZ. This is why women should stay home and cook. *nods sagely* XD

To pass the time, Cinderella here decides to whip out the ol' Maxis Gaming System. And in doing so, demonstrates that the fireplace and windows that had been there are mysteriously gone...

Which is duly remedied.

Despite the many available couches and fireplace, Lars decides to stand to watch television. It was quite cute, because as he was watching, he did a little wiggly-dance to the music. I was so endeared that I squeaked out loud.

>.> And then he flipped to the football game. Why am I not surprised that his OTH is Sports?

All that excitement got poor Lars all tuckered out.

O-o I think we need a hand check in this picture. WHAT ARE YOU DOING UNDER THOSE BLANKETS?!

Cimorene: I'm home, can't wait to see Lars.
Lars: OMG, Cimmy is home. I can't wait to see her!

Cimorene: This might be problematic.

Crisis averted! Phew! Anyway, they then proceeded to canoodle on the front porch...

In the kitchen...

In Kaineng city...Oh, wait, sorry. I took a break and played Guild Wars.

Then they took it to the laundry room...

And then I had Cimorene run to the upstairs lounge so they could ACR there...

And I could show you this, my favourite room in the house. But Cimorene just went and chilled on the couch, and Lars buggered off. THANKS GUYS.

They met again in the kitchen for their three o'clock canoodle (can you tell I like that word? XD).

And then reaffirmed the fact that their babies are inDEED going to be crazyfaced.

Only, they again failed to conceive.

This is a shot of Lars finally getting a job - in the Adventuring career, real reason.

Aaaannnd...I don't know what this one is here for.

A day off AND a clam?! Could life get any better?!

You guys need to get on the up-suck wagon or something. Seriously. Want babies.

Okay, so in D&D, if you MATCH the number, you win. Your armor class is 26. Enemy rolls a 26? They hit you.

Apparently ACR doesn't play D&D.

Undaunted, the happy couple moves to the other couch and tries again.

And they DID IT. YAY.
Cimorene: n_n I'm SO PROUD of us!

Lars: So, when we have kids...I'm going to buy them the most badass teddy bear ever.

Lars: And then I'm going to barbecue them...


Some hotdogs!

Cimorene: Your fatherly instincts make me hot!
Lars: Aw man, now I really want barbecue.

Um. Guys?

Cimorene: This lettuce is a little slimey.
Lars: I still really want barbecue.

Lars: I'll try yours. It must be better than mine.
Cimorene: Okay!

Cimorene: Actually, this one tastes basically the same.
Lars: Okay, maybe we'd better switch back.


Three plate-switchings was enough. I had Cimorene make some food and Lars clean up the dishes.

Gross. Seriously.

With Cimorene off to work again shortly thereafter, Lars faceplants and spends the whole day like this.


Cimmy had an enormously bad pregnancy. She'd wake up, puke, eat, puke, woohoo, puke, clean the toilet, puke. It was constant.

It wasn't until I got the popup that she was healthy again that I realised she'd had morning sickness AND food poisoning.

Lars heads off to his first day at work! So proud~!

Hey miss 8-neat-points. Want to, yanno, maybe do something about that?

Er. That was not what I meant. I was thinking more like you could clean it? A little?

Cimorene: Nope. Don't wanna.

Well, I suppose I can't blame you.

I did have her unclog it, at least.

Why do I NOT believe that plunging that toilet is "a lot of fun"?

Cimorene: This is terrible. I'm all alone. Where are my friends? I should be having mad gay galas and smashing balls!

Me: Want to rephrase any of that? Nevermind.

Luckily, Cimmy is easily amused.

While on the phone with Dervish (who she wants to be friends with), we have our first pop of the generation!

Unfortunately, all the bits got lost on the way to my computer. DAMN YOU, SAD COW.

I make it a point to pause before I save, and this is why. I loaded up the Arden lot, and then buggered around on Facebook waiting for them to load. When I came back to the sims, they'd apparently loaded some time back, and both Cim AND Lars were in the red. D:

Fearing a miscarriage, I had Cim grab a slim-fast and have a seat.

Lars: Why did you leave me.

Look, dude, I'm sorry. I didn't ASK you to be a moron while I wasn't supervising you.

Cimorene goes to bed in the teen girl room, and is currently thrashing about. Thar she blows, through the pink comforter sea!

D: stop that!

...did the "gay galas" get to you, Lars? XD

Woot! Cameo by one of the sims Steffi made me in the Person-Below-Me challenge at pixeltrade!


Pop near a cheeseburger. That baby is like "OMG CHEESEBURGER LEMME AT IT!"

Aww, Cimmy, I'm sorry, honey. :(

This should make you feel better.

Baby: It doesn't make ME feel better. D:

I was going to make a butt-spelunker joke, but I think that would put me over my limit of gay jokes into the realms of seeming homophobic. :P


Holy crap, he's actually reading in the reading nook! I didn't think anyone would actually do that!

Cimorene spends most of her pregnancy barefoot (actually, completely naked, but the FEET ARE BARE, AND THAT'S WHAT COUNTS) and in the kitchen.

The ocean outside the windows just looked so pretty I had to take another picture. :D

Cimorene: I could go for some sex.

Lars: You rang?

Uh. That seems...unnatural.

Rikes, Raggy! That canNOT be good for the baby! Maybe being impaled on the world's largest piece of Shredded Wheat has something to do with it.

That doesn't look like bladder desperation to me. >.>

Oh boy, twins!

And of course by "twins," I REALLY mean "quadruplets." -.- Yeah. I have the random-only t&q, so no dialogue pops up. Quadruplets, in my game, are a 6% chance. Sigh.

Anyway, meet the Beatles babies:

The crazyface predictions have come to fruition!

This is Clea. All the kids are named after famous philosophers.

Lars: Hey, honey? I'm gonna head to work now. I know you're busy, so I'm just gonna set down this baby you gave me right here.

He looks every bit as peaceful as the buddha ought to.

There were apparently TWO female philosophers named Simone. So that made this an easy choice. Makes me think of Quills, though.

That is all I have for you today. Next time! Probably toddlerhood! Hopefully no more babies! I haven't played it yet!

legacy: arden, legacy: rr, legacy: gen4

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