So I realised that while my self sim is available somewhere around these great wide intertubes, I didn't have her up here, where, you know, she reasonably ought to be. And with the recent discovery of a hair that actually resembles mine, I am pleased to present my rather too-attractive self sim!
I come packaged with everything pictured, but I'll show up with your default skin. Since my nosemask is pastede on yey, I should look the same, though.
My policy, as always, is the same: do whatever the hell you want, just let me see pictures. XD
Download Here ETA: I thought I should mention, in case anyone wants to be sure they get the right personality, that I am Shy, Lazy, Playful, Nice, and midway between Sloppy and Neat. :P I'm likely to be a combination of Family, Pleasure, Knowledge, and Grilled Cheese. Pick one or two, they're all about even. :P