Potts heir poll

Apr 14, 2009 00:25

Heir poll time!

There will also be a Dork-related poll next time, and in addtion: a Download-A-Potts page!

But for now, halp plz. I need to choose an heir. Now, I'll be honest. I might not actually go by the results of the poll if one of them makes my decision for me. And right now I'm leaning pretty heavily towards Nikolai. But I do want to know your opinions. Now, obviously I don't know their stats, since I can't check, but I do know what aspiration they rolled. Also, for a larger version of the image, click the smaller one. I don't want to break layouts.


Nikolai Potts, Popularity:

Pros: Has a hot girlfriend all ready (who I love), has Emily's nose, is actually related to Chun-Li.

Cons: Is blindingly pale.

Isobel Potts, Romance:

Pros: Pretty, hilariously fail, and female romance sims are fun because you get lots of baby variety.

Cons: Will be less fail when she's controllable. Has funny eye bags. Doesn't look much like Emily at all, and isn't related to Chun-Li.


legacy: potts

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