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katu_sims February 24 2008, 01:58:34 UTC
Wanna know something creepy? I do too o_o
:D That's awesome. Someone should totally take pictures of us and caption them.

Beauty and the Beast is still really popular, apparently. My ex girlfriend was also pretty obsessed with it. :P I love that movie.

I don't know, I just loaded my game up, and the baby was floating in the air. It was most fantastic.

The real thing here is, why isn't he in diapers in the FIRST place? :o
Seriously, I am searching MTS2 as we speak to find old people diapers. No luck yet.

Miss Chin USA is very unfortunate. Since her father wasn't heir, I let him marry the HORRIBLY ugly woman he was in love with...his hot couldn't counteract the fug.

I'm hoping that Katamari will grow into her looks...right now she looks like a Who (like, from Whoville), because her tiny nose is MILES away from her mouth. I can't stand it.

And Algren is like Is this even mine?
LMAO. I laughed really hard at that. I'm pretty sure it is his...though honestly, I have to check their family tree periodically because I forget who had who. :P

I dunno. I wouldn't eat cereal with glitter in it.

Haha, YES I made someone use Wordpad! I will update soon, because I want to get back to playing as much as I want to, and I'm kind of far ahead right now. You update soon, too! :P


uber_orange February 24 2008, 17:41:25 UTC
I don't want anyone to take a picture of me when I sleep, that'd be creeeeeepy xD

I love Beauty and the Beast right now for some reason. I have a movie phase. For weeks I was watching all sorts of movies, then I just stopped. o-o

Yaaaay floating babies ;_; it's so wonderful it brings tears to my eyes.

If you find any, I want some too xD

Poor Miss. Chin :(

I love the Who look, almost as much as I love her name x3

Hahaha, I keep getting Quinn and Cerelia's parents mixed up. Quinn's is the creepy guy who wears outerwear all the time, and Cerelia's is Clay... but I often mixed them up. But so far after that, no romance Sims! So I won't be having illegitimate chilluns for a while :'D

Maybe it'll turn my into a fairy :D

YES MORE UPDATES! *jumps up in air*
I haven't played Sims in 2 days, been reading a manga :x and when I get into a manga phase, very little can break me out xD


katu_sims February 25 2008, 01:31:08 UTC
I'm bad at watching movies. Even if I really want to see something, you kind of have to force me to watch it. I just always think "Oh, but I could be doing something else!"

lol, I put in a request at the InSim forums. :P Hopefully we'll get old people diapers someday!

Yeah. It's sad when your legacy offspring aren't as pretty as your townies, lmao.

I took some more pictures of her to put in the next update, just for you! ^_^ I'm sad, though, none of your legacy sims have walked by yet, and I forgot to give them a phone. >.> I'll have to do that later.

Yay no illegitimate kiddies! Bastards ftl! ...Yeah, I dunno what I'm talking about either.

Oooh, what manga are you reading? I'm more of a comic book person than a manga person, but I've still read some. :D


uber_orange February 25 2008, 02:19:39 UTC
I can watch 5 movies in a row and not feel like there is something better to do xD


I wonder... if I've ever had a case of my chilluns being less pretty than townies... speaking of ugly townies, I should wipe some of them out by starting an 'uglacy' xD

YES! More of Miss Chin! I kinda want to put her in my neighborhood xD Sooo if you ever wanna add her to your downloads, I wouldn't complain *winkwinknudgenudge* >>

Yeeeeeah! I dunno what I am talking about now. I lost my train of thought again. >_>;;;;;

The manga, it's called Skip Beat :x You'd have to wiki it if you wanted to know what it's about, because I am horrible at describing stories xD

But yeah, I love manga more than comic books... actually, I dislike comic books greatly :( I can't get into them. And mangas are so puuuurdy *0* I wish I was born in Japan some times. xD


katu_sims February 25 2008, 16:13:58 UTC
I've thought about starting an uglacy before. Or possibly a prettacy, since I'd probably be better at that.

I actually meant I took more pictures of Katamari. :P But, if you want Miss Chin, then Miss Chin you shall have. I'll package up her slightly more attractive sister for you, too.

I've heard of that, if I can be bothered to get off my lazy e-butt, I'll go wiki it. But my e-butt is pretty lazy.

For comic books, you really gotta read the good ones. I'm not talking about lame stuff like Superman and Wonder Woman, I'm talking about awesome stuff, like Desolation Jones, and Sinbad: The Rogue of Mars! :DD

I like to read things in colour, which is my only problem with most manga (that and I can NEVER figure out what's going on since too many people don't make their characters look different enough). But I'm fairly picky about what I'll read: it's gotta have an engaging story, and GREAT art for me to read it.

Also, I too wish I was born in Japan. Or, rather, just wish I could go there and steal their culture.


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