True Blood Music Drabbles

Dec 29, 2009 21:33

Stop and Stare


“We should leave here,” Sam says one night, tracing his finger over Jessica’s shoulder. “Leave this town. Go someplace new.”

She turns over, her light auburn hair falling away from her face, laughing her soft chuckle. “Leave and go where?” she asks, her accent deep. “They won’t want us anywhere.”

He leans down and kisses the skin on her neck, soft and smooth and cold as ice. “I’d want you anywhere.”

She leans up and meets his mouth, and the next day their bags are packed, ready to leave the town that never really wanted them anyway.

Wicked Little High


He stood in front of her, smoldering down at her with that look in his eyes, that dark, intense, unreadable, ‘I want you in my bed but I’m also slightly amused by your antics, little human’ look. The one that irritated her and turned her on beyond all belief.

“You don’t own me,” she informed him, wishing very badly that Bill was close by, that she’d be going home tonight, so that she wouldn’t be so darn tempted.

She disliked him. Very strongly. But she wanted him too, and he knew it, dammit.

He just smirked more widely and took a step closer to her.

“I own part of you,” he said, his voice quiet, and even without looking at him she could hear the smirk in his tone.

“Not my heart,” she retorted, looking back up at him, but before she could say anything further, her put a finger under her chin and tilted her face up to his.

“Then why aren’t you fighting?” he asked.

“Because… because I- I don’t want to get hurt.”

He chuckled, very lightly, and ran one finger down her smooth neck.

“I’d never hurt you.”

His fangs “shkked” out, and Sookie woke up.

Fell In Love With A Boy


It was never supposed to be like this. She loved Bill, and Eric was very close to loving her, as much as Eric could love anyone.

But then there was the vampire, the unbelievably old vampire with the young face and the ancient, icy eyes with sad lips and a muscular back.

Eric hadn’t been able to convince him to continue living, but she had. She led him by his hand down into a room and held him tenderly in her lap as he cried, a few tears of watery blood, and stroked his hair and sang to him until he fell asleep.

“Are you alright?” she asked him when he woke up. He glanced up at her and gave her a very small, ancient smile.

“I must be fine,” he said, “because my heart’s still beating.”

“Well,” said Sookie, laughing a little. “Not exactly.”

He smiled too. “Thank you.”

She leaned in and kissed him very softly on the lips.

More Than A Love Song


“Why don’t you like love songs, Bill?”

“Because they can never capture exactly what love is.”

“Well, you do have to give them credit for trying.”

“It is an admirable undertaking, I suppose… but these singers could be more creative about it.”

“Not everyone is as romantic as you, Bill.”

“Then they shouldn’t be writing songs about love, Sookie.”

The vampire and the human exchanged a grin.

“Maybe you should write a love song.”

“Heh. I think not.”

“C’mon, Bill. What would you write about, if you were writing me a love song?”

He glanced over at her and he sweet little smile that his steel behind it before turning back to the road. “I’d talk about how a love song couldn’t explain it at all. How a simple song could never do something like love justice.”

“That’s sweet.”

“I do my best.”

“I love you, Bill.”

“And I love you, Sookie.”



Lafayette knew a thing or two about lust and all the fun, nasty things that came about because of it. He’d made lust his living, or pretty damn close to it, anyway.

But he wasn’t used to a fire that started in the center of him and spread out, leaving no room for reason or logic or anything like that.

He especially wasn’t used to the cause of the fire being someone he despised with every fiber in him.

But here he was, another night, another dream, with Eric Northman standing in front of him, his hair slicked back, his hands shoved down his pockets.

“You’ve kept me waiting, Lafayette.”

He took a step closer. In his dream, Lafayette could be brave, could put a hand on his hip and cock it out.

“I don’t like waiting,” whispered Eric.

Do You Love Me


“You are very young and very annoying,” said Eric nonchalantly, his feet up on the table. “Why should I hire you to work here?”

“Because I’m pretty,” she said without much conviction, looking up from under her lashes. “And even if I’m not, I’m still a vampire, and people still like that.”

Eric regarded her before tossing her a bag of clothes. “Indeed they do.”


“This arrangement is working out better than I expected,” he told her two nights later as she stood shirtless before a mirror in the dressing room. She shrieked and covered her breasts. Eric smirked.

“It’s not as if I’ve never seen those before,” he said, and she glared at him, her fangs popping out.

The next thing she knew, she was pinned to the wall, Eric baring his fangs in her face.

“You were right,” he said quietly, his eyes roaming her body before flicking back up to her face. “You are pretty.”

Don’t Stand So Close to Me


It started innocently. She came crying to him, very late (or early, from a human’s perspective) and he held her until she fell asleep and then all through the day.

They became closer after that. She opened up to him, and he began to see her as more than just a burden.

More than just a very pretty burden, with beautiful eyes and a long neck-

He remembered biting that neck, how she’d tasted as a human, as a virgin human.

She was still a virgin. He knew that, because she’d told him, sobbing as she did so. She could never be anything but a virgin.

Bill swore he’d find a way to help her.

But for now, he just held her.

Aaaand I can't get the cut to work, so this'll have to be good enough, I guess.

weird parings, fanfiction, true blood

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