On Arses and Memes

Jul 29, 2011 11:04





I've got a nice pretty fic all lined up for posting, but for some ungodly reason it won't let me post anything to my ficjournal. It also won't let me log in if I check "Remember Me". What is this I don't even WHY ARE PEOPLE ASSHOLES?!

Anyway, LOADS of stuff has happened.

Monday night Alien and Dad got home. He's skinny now. Had lots of fun laughing at him continually pulling up his pants until he found a belt. He thinks in the interim I was banged on the head, because now I want to watch Stargate with him. Which is not entirely true, I do like SG-1 rather a lot. I just don't like Atlantis, and I was trying to get through that before moving on, and it was frustrating so I decided screw it, get me Daniel Jackson (DAEDALUS!). So now Alien thinks I've been hit over the head.

We've taken Watson's egg away from her. She spent a day sulking in the nesting box, but then she beat up Milou and now she's over it. Proper chain of command, our animals do not understand it. Our chicken thinks she's a kickboxing kangaroo, and our dog thinks chickens are scary.

The Great Aunts arrived last night. Still as evil as ever. At least I have a job with flexible hours though, so if something comes up I have work as an excuse. And they're only here for a week. Ahh, civility.

Work has been awesome, even if I haven't been doing as much as I should. The kinkmeme is just so distracting, and thankfully even during the worst of the downtime I could still bludgeon my way through it for the most part. Otherwise I don't know how I'd get my Ace Attorney fix. Fuzzy, illegible microfilm scans are being a bit of a bother, but they're pretty crisp on the machines so that's workable. As for school, there's a small bit of panic over financial aid but I think it can be sorted out. Grandma started nagging me about not being excited, but you know what, ,,|,

Ahh, civility.

30-Day Fanfiction Meme:

Day 8: Do you write OCs? And if so, what do you do to make certain they're not Mary Sues, and if not, explain your thoughts on OCs.I wrote OCs when I first started ficcing. Like most tween ficcers, probably. They were... bad. I don't really write them any more, but sometimes you just need characters to fill the gaps. But since they're just filling the gaps, and not stealing the show, it's okay. The problem with OCs is that Mary Sues are so ubiquitous that any OC is automatically assumed to be a Mary Sue. Someone on an Ace Attorney comm had asked about it once, and I posted a rather long comment that I can't quite remember the entirety of. The question was something along the lines of if people preferred a male OC or a female OC, and how to avoid Mary Sues, and the way it was worded underlined the bias perfectly. You could write the best, most well-developed OC ever, and someone will accuse you of writing a Mary Sue. That's just the way it works.

life, meme, this is anger management, musings, ace attorney, angries, people are overly complicated, stargate, and then there was drama, writing

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