aaand a triple post, because now I'm pissed

May 20, 2011 12:23

So I mentioned how Sensei gave me a Japanese 2 book because she's pissed off that they're trying to cut Japanese again. Which... looks like it might be successful. Anyway, there was a meeting Wednesday night at school about it, and an article in the paper yesterday, which I read today. Aaannnddd some of the things that the principal said raise some eyebrows. I mean, I suppose he can't be blamed too much since we've pretty much had a new principal every year because we have a shit school, but still.

For starters, he said that there's only 30 students in the Japanese program all told. Umm... there are nineteen in Japanese 1 alone. So... what, six in Japanese 2 and five in Japanese 3/4? Which is ridiculous because colleges want at least two years of a language so there's at least ten in Japanese 2, and I know personally/of three students in Japanese 3/4 and there are probably more. I just can't see a classroom of three people happening.

Also, that this wouldn't mean firing Sensei because hey, she also teaches French. Um, no she doesn't. She teaches an English class along with Japanese, and while Madame Sensei has a certain ring to it, it also goes with her comment last week about how every morning she's been crash-coursing French.

But what confuses me the most is that somehow we ended up with this ridiculous Next Generation plan that everybody who knows what they're talking about hates and has thought was a bad idea from the very beginning.

And at 3:45 this afternoon, I will wash my hands of education. I hope that all the nice people will eventually be able to turn things around, and that everyone else buggers off. Higher education can go fly a kite for all I care, with one caveat: they don't fuck it up for my brother too.

angries, school

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