Confusion about stuff

Apr 11, 2005 13:34

I should probably be working on my speech or paper. Actually, I should be working on work, but why bother learn something new when you are just going to have to forget it and learn something else for the job? The person I needed to talk to about a new job was out today because he's sick. I did have a short conversation with my college twin. Her conservative Christian friends (mainly her room mate and another girl) told her that she was spending too much time with him. I am going to try to send her a "Hang In There" card and she did seem tempted when I told her that somone had a single spot in one of the best dormitories in my college. I told her that it's normal for people to hang out with their boyfriends a lot and that it's happened with all of my friends and that they need to get used to it.

Ironic huh? I believe that time should be balanced between all of that and yet I told her that it's ok to spend time with him. Frankly, it's good to hang out with friends, but in the end, if they had the chance then they would do the EXACT SAME THING. I know. I also know that it sounds vengeful and evil for me to say that, but I don't care. It is just that I don't want the same thing to happen to her.

Last night, another one of her friends woke me up again at 1 a.m. looking for her. You would think that they would understand after a week or so that she is upstairs now. I was also up because of the fact that I might not go back to karate class because of that jack@$$. I'm going to write my big brother later and tell him how I've been and that I may not return to karate as long as that jack@$$ is there. I go to karate to escape them. It's summer break and I don't want to be stressed out over it. I might be anyway because I'm seriously thinking about getting a summer job. I seriously want to start working out, but the thing is that I'm always tired because I end up staying awake so late because of her friends and it takes a while for me to fall back asleep. I'm putting up a sign. Also, I don't feel right doing it by myself since there is no space to do it in nor any motivation. I wish I had a boom box. I might buy one later. That way, I can listen to some dance music while doing karate. It pumps me up when I'm by myself!

I know it sounds cowardly, but I really don't want to have to stab him. I'm trying to avoid jail or worse...angering sensei! The loser has been dating sensei's daughter for a long time. He wants to start trouble again. I hope that my sister didn't tell him that I would stab him. I might have my dad check to see if he's there. Or Apollo. If he is the week before I get out, then I will quit karate until he gets tired of it. Not quit, but practice on my own, which means little practice. There are not any places around here that do my style and the other styles don't fit.

I just wish that I could find some way to make my life better. I wish that I could just leave this reality and enter a more fitting reality. A reality where you don't have to worry about jerks stealing your dojo, or what job you are going to take, or anything. My father wants me to become a technology major. I made him so happy when I was intersted in science. I am still interested in science, but it doesn't pay much. Technology pays a lot, but the thing is that I'm not extremely intersted in it (thus the lack of studying FileMaker). I like being creative. I like acting sometimes. I like trying to perfect scenes and saying to myself "they should have done it this way". I like being detail-oriented and focusing on how a scene will look. Does that sound like a director? I don't know. I wish that I knew what I was suppose to do.
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