Apr 01, 2005 13:24
I'm a little chipper right now because of "Shut Up!"--Simple Plan. Well, my ex-boyfriend still hasn't e-mailed me. Big surprise (*rolls eyes*). I don't think that there's a job here that I can truly be happy in. The admission people that I wanted to interview didn't contact me, so I called them and they said that none of them wanted to be interviewed. Well, I was a little offended, but I guess that means that they don't have anything good to say about their job. After all, one of the supervisors said herself that she doesn't know of too many people who stay after their freshmen year. I did find someone who used to be in CB that I will e-mail questions to later this weekend.
I bailed out of taking the quiz when the professor told me that I could do a reading brief. I feel contempt from him. He doesn't like it that I decided not to take it, but the thing is that I knew some of the answers on it--probably enough to pass--but by going for the reading brief I could possibly make a better grade. He said to us that we are going to have to take the quiz one day. Not this quiz I don't think, but I was confused. His quizzes are difficult because what he thinks is important is not what I think is important. It causes me to take a lot of notes and basically write the whole book down on paper and then when I have to study it...it becomes a lot to study. At least I know half-way how to write a reading brief (at least, I've been making exceptional grades with them). I studied very hard, but we are different people when it comes to what is important.
Someone played an April Fools joke on the 8 a.m. classes. My professor told me that someone got the list of 8 a.m. classes in one of the buildings and placed signs saying that the classes were moved to different locations (with the teacher's name on it...very thorough). When my professor went to the class listed on the door, it turns out his class wasn't in there and they were not suppose to be in that room either. It was funny. Man, I could get fired for writing this journal entry. I'm suppose to be working on other things.
I love "Holiday"--Green Day. My government class had a jeapordy game going on. We were behind but we caught up and were in the lead. Then, we lost the Final Jeapordy question. We all still got candy though :). I had 2 Hershey bars and I still have a Krackle bar to eat. "Can I get another Amen?! AMEN!" LOL. That song would so be my theme song if I could automatically change my life for the better. My L&W class was canceled b/c the teacher couldn't show up. "The rep. from California has the floor." LOL. I'm so going to get fired. "Kill all the fags that don't agree!" I love that song!
"This is the dawning of the rest of our lives". My favorite quote from the song. I am in true rock mode today. I don't feel like listening to soft rock even. Maybe I'll listen to "Adrienne"--The Calling. Nah. "I Just Wanna Live"--Good Charlotte. You know, it's April Fools Day. That should mean, gramatically, that the only people that should fool people are named April. Then again, who am I to talk about grammar. It wouldn't work for me anyway, but if it was May Fools...(*evil grin*). Well, I am going to watch a movie later tonight at a male dorm. The first time that I get to see the rooms to the male dorm. This male dorm is suppose to be the gem of the freshmen dorms since it has air conditioning. Trust me, this guy reminds me too much of my ex-boyfriend (brown hair, same name, sense of humor, womanizer, southern). He's catholic, so that explains a lot (*cough, womanizer, cough*). He's a good friend that doesn't want a girlfriend so he acts friendly with all girls (hugs and such).