Hi, Guys:)
So I'm sure all of you guys have noticed how quiet the KAT-TUN fandom has become right?
(Well apart from the recent happening, if you know what I'm talking about:/)
But I and a couple of friends were thinking of doing a project as a fandom for the guys, to show the love:)And also to get a chance to meet new HYPHENS and such. I also noticed that loads of the old KAT-TUN D/Links and stuff don't work anymore, so maybe we can help each other out with that as well:)
We have decided to put together a booklet for each member, with messages, fan art, drawings.....etc and send it off to them to encourage them and make them feel happy! But we may alter this plan or change it based onwhat everyone thinks :D
If you are interested just comment on this post, or Message me so I can give you the invite link to the KAT-TUNgroup on LINE where we will discuss our ideas, but to also chat and have fun xD
I hope you guys Join!
So the palm has changed now. Since it is highly unlikely that the Jimusho will accept the booklets, on the group we decided on sending postcard written in our languages and with Japanese translations :) so that they boys will know they have love and support from all around the world :)
We also need Japanese translators that will be able to translate the postcards!