It seem that someone: jintowatashito had posted a recorded show of R-One KAT-TUN on Jin's birthday. However, apart from the part where Uebo and Maru greeted Jin happy birthday I don't understand anything else... T.T Can someone please translate what they are saying? The youtube link is here:
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「Ueda Tatsuya Love Story」 By Akanishi Jin
Thump, thump, th-thump!
The sound of drums could be heard.
It was the beginning of summer. I fell in love.
The person, of course, was Yuuka-chan.
Yuuka which written with a 有(Yuu) as in limited company and 香(ka) as in incence.
I fell in love, that day at that PE class.
Yuuka-chan ran and practiced her long jump.
Her face as she jumped, the jiggling of her thigh when she jumped, it was a good laugh.
My heart was struck by Satoko-chan who was watching and gagging. I fell in love.
My name is Ueda Tatsuya, 22 years old.
I realized for the first time. I am a genius. Of changing tires.
One day, my name will be known throughout the world. I want my name to be known. I hope my name will be known.
No, as long as at least one person acknowledges my name. I am a genius.
At exchanging tires.
Maru said there are a few things he wanted to point out and one of them was that Yuuka-chan didn't have anything to do with the story because Ueda fell in love with Satoko-chan who gagged watching Yuuka-chan jump. But they concluded with the fact that Jin wrote this poem for Ueda on his own birthday and that radio is hard.
Sorry I don't have time to translate word for word. (^-^;;; Plus the clip echoed when it played on my computer, it was really hard to listen to more than once.
It would be great if Jin could guest on the radio show though :)
and so are u for translating :D
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