Title: Taste the blood
Pairing: Junno/Ueda (JunDa)
Genre: PWP, SMUT, Vampire! AU
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: ME NO OWNN
Summary: Junno is a vampire who is living with a not-so human Ueda who's a Feeder Addict--someone addicted to the feeling of being drank from. Every now and then Ueda craves for Junno's fangs to pierce his skin and sometimes Junno thinks he's taking too much from his love. A random snippet of their life together.
AN: I'm not sure but I suddenly had this idea of Ueda getting high off Vampire!Junno drinking from him...so this fic was born. xD Written literally in one shot xD Also my knowlege on vampires isn't that great but this is just how I see it. Like Junno can't get it up unless he drinks from Ueda anyway to get the blood pumping in him...lol little ideas like that xD Anyway enjoy!! *w*
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