[EVIDENCE] Ryoda's moment in Shounen Club Premium (Nov 2015)

Nov 23, 2015 01:07

Headline: Nishikido Ryo & Ueda Tatsuya were secretly looking at each other!
Disclaimer: KAT-TUN, Kanjani8 & SCP are belong to Johnny-san but Johnny can’t claim my imaginary & love for the RYODA.
Warning: Massive fan-girl theories! And this is not TRANSLATION POST so don't expect everything I wrote here is correct as what they were saying. This post is only or mean to be crazy over RYODA.

Insert song: Code by Ryo
Hello shipper.
Don't sink yet. *giggle*
There still hope for our 0% of love in between our Hime-chan (Uepi) and our Osaka Prince (Ryo-chan). *imaginary state*

Let make a little introduction for the SCP show for this time.
Most already aware (especially the Ryoda's shipper) that Kanjani8 was the guest for November SCP. *firework in the sky*

When the show started, KAT-TUN members was talking about the many amount of oversea letters that they received since they hosted the show.Please be patient, the Ryoda part will come out soon.
So they brought out a world map and Kame even told that when he visited Dominica (for GoSpo!), he met a fans that recognised him & called him "Kamenashi!!”. Kame amused face when he was recognized outside Japan was just priceless. LOL! *come here kame & let me tell you how worldwide your fans are*

OK. Since this is about Ryoda. Let skip the introduction part.
Here the 2nd part of the show where Kanjani8 appeared. So, this time they did a quiz about each other (KAT-TUN VS KANJANI8).


I only understand a bit of their conversation.
Pardon me if there a misunderstanding on what they were saying during that time.

Basically,when both group were talking,they all would look at each other, that including RyoDa.But there no conformation that Ryo or Uepi were looking at each other lovingly.
But of course there be a moment where they met eyes to eyes.
So, let start our Ryoda Journey. *dive into the imaginary land of fairies*

No.1 Ryoda's Moment in SCP
It happened during {Q2. Who is No. 1 romantic?}
KAT-TUN guessed = Yoko
Kanjani Answered = Maruyama
There a brief moment where everyone on both group was looking in front, at the monitor.
BUT, Ryo suddenly turned his face toward KAT-TUN side, more precisely at HIS Hime because he could sense that Uepi was looking at him.



Basically, KAT-TUN got the question wrong.
For KAT-TUN, the right answer was KAME & Kanjani8 got it right. Well, who in the world doesn't know that Kame is the romantic type
What I couldn't help to notice was (after the stealing glance moment) how both of them had that "Ops!" face but tried hard to remain calm.
And only Ryoda's shipper would smell the 'gotcha' feeling.

Note: If you watch the video, the moment happened before KAT-TUN called out their answer and before Ryo flipped the picture to reveal the answer.

No.2 Ryoda's Moment in SCP
{Q.3 Who is no. 1 efficient}

So KAT-TUN guessed = Murakami-kun but the right answer was our Prince, it Ryo.
And when it time for Kanjani8 to guess, Maruyama was talking about it might be Ueda (he relates it to Uepi's efficiency in taking down an opponent in boxing).
SO HERE!!Ryo was looking intensely at HIS Hime, he looked at Uepi with so much intensity & FOR quite a long time *me gasping hard*
The picture showed that Maruyama was changing side as he talks, from left to right. *too lazy to draw or edit anything on the picture* You just need to look at Maruyama or Subaru,then you get it.
(Maruyama facing left side)

::Ryo was looking so intensely toward the KAT-TUN side. *kick the camera-san for not doing the right thing to capture the ultimate evidence*
(Maruyama facing right side)

::Ryo still looking right?And at this moment,Maruyama was talking about Uepi, SO I'M 99% SURE RYO WAS LOOKING AT THE MAN THAT THEY CURRENTLY DISCUSSING, HIS LOVER.

::Uepi's reaction, he acting all calmed and HERE I DON'T KNOW WHO HE LOOKING AT.LOL! *don't kick me plz*

No.3 Ryoda's Moment in SCP
{Q.5 Who is No. 1 different (or have gap) in private and work-life}
Note: I don't know how to give the correct term to that ranking.
I skip the guessing part and the correct answer for KAT-TUN is Uepi.
So actually, this is the 1st time Uepi came out as the 'answer', so it the 1st time the Kanjani8 saw Uepi's picture.
They were asking the KAT-TUN members if Uepi's picture was a drawing or CG-ed and even making fun of it as a drawing by someone with the name of Hari. *I'm too lazy to investigate who it is*

Kanjani8 exaggerating reaction esp. Ryo who was laughing so hard & might hurt his Hime for laughing at his picture like that *pout*:



::BAM!So now Ryo was looking at KAT-TUN's side (after he laughed so much) & stealing glance at Uepi AGAIN! *insert Ryo's evil laughing face*

::Ryo still laughing & having fun (together with Ohkura & Maruyama) but Uepi giving that un-amused face.

::I like this part cause even tho Ryo was still laughing, but Maruyama & Ohkura were laughing even more & Ryo was like "Stop laughing at my boyfriend!Only I can laugh at him!" *giggle*
Meanwhile, Uepi's reaction:

::Uepi was like "I don't care anymore. Laugh all you want but there be no sex for a month, Nishikido!" *serve you right, NISHIKIDO*

After they calmed down, Kame started to explain their ranking to the Kanjani8. kame patted ueda's shoulder *squeal for kameda* (picture above)
And here, Kame told them a very funny episode about Uepi (not sure what but everyone were laughing so hard) and I REALLY REALLY DON'T UNDERSTAND WHY RYO DID THAT HAND GESTURE??

My best guess:
1st:That was Ryo's laughing gesture (like how kame will stomping his legs and clapping his hands when he laughs so hard).
2nd:That was Ryo's way of saying "I'm sorry Tat-chan for laughing too much at you."
Conclude it by yourself. LOL! *evil laugh*

Then, Maru started to tease Uepi & Uepi came forward, stand in the middle & started imitating the stupid dance/action that Maruyama's did previously (they said Ryo's like the dance/action).


::Look at the way Ryo looking at Uepi while fantasizing about Uepi doing that during their private time alone. OMG..HOW CAN I NOT KYAAA OVER THAT??
To Ryo,
I know you love Tatsuya very much but you don't have to be that obvious.

::Yes!Look all you want, Ryo. *I will help you hide this footage from Johnny-san*
Lovin the fact that Ryo's eyes were obviously following Uepi's movement.

::But Ryo still couldn't stop laughing (even after Uepi's returned to his seat), he must be in cloud nine and so happy that he appeared in his boyfriend's TV Show. *understanding mode*

In the end, everyone happy.


Most importantly, Uepi got all the attention he needs from Ryo and he was satisfied.


Happy VERY VERY Belated 31st Birthday, Ryo Nishikido.
This is the only humble gift I can give you & your shipper for this year.
Please be nice to Tatsuya & please touch each other a lot in front of the camera. I promise I will help you two hide those footage from Johnny-san.
Other than that, I was very amused by the fact that Ryo was talking casually with Kame (cause I just can't forget AKAME). I bet Ryo will tell Jin something. Let be excited for the fact that Kame was talking to Jin BFF.

A/N2:Anyone missing Taka-chan? I miss him too but unfortunately, the update (for my fics) will resume only next year (only a month leave anyway). Sorry for those that been waiting but I won't be missing long.

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scp, bdaypost, ryoda, evidence, random

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