(no subject)

May 02, 2014 16:05

I'm six weeks pregnant now.  Odd, how they calculate pregnancy -- because I haven't been pregnant for six weeks.  But, there we are. My nipples are still horrifically sensitive, but less so.  I am still feeling ookey but not puking yet.  Other than that, all is normalish.

I found out because -- we had inseminated, but sort-of half-assed, not thinking it would work at all.  Because I wasn't tracking that month, with the move and all.  And, my nipples felt sensitive, but in the way that they do right before I bleed, but a bit more so.  And, I was cranky as fuck.  I told this to Meg, in a "God, I just can't wait to start bleeding so this ends!" conversation.  She pointed out those were signs of pregnancy and I blew her off, because we've had THAT conversation many times.  She said I should come over and take a test anyway, just for the hell of it.  She has clinnical tests from her job.  So, I hopped over there before work, and it came back positive! But with SUCH a faint line!  I thought I was imagining it.  So, we did another, and the same thing.  The next day i took a third and the line was a lot stronger.
Moral: I have to not be trying to get knocked up!

We're now living with my roommate Jed, and his twins who are six and completely adorable.  Zoe, actually, really likes living with them, which we were not fully expecting.  She has an attic room, though, which is lovely.  The house is going to be super cute once we're done unpacking (which is a process that is taking significantly longer than I had originally planned).  It's a cute little house, that's blue on the outside and looks smaller from the outside than it does from within, so we're calling it our TARDIS House.
Jack and I got our marriage license back, and it's all official now.  He's taken my last name and is now Jack Gordon, which to me sounds like a super hero name.

moving, pregnancy, six weeks

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