Movie Reviews

Jun 21, 2009 23:18

Sorry they took so long Mandy.

X-men Origins: Wolverine

I loved this movie. Unfortunately I think it is one of those movies that my opinion of it would lower after multiple viewings. Mainly because, and I have to be honest here, I loved it because I have been a Wolverine fan for a long time, not really because of the movie itself. The acting in the movie overall was average. Hugh Jackman was exactly as you expected him to be, no more, no less. Got to say I loved Liev Schreiber and Ryan Renolds in this. And normally I hate Ryan Renolds. The action and effects were awesome. The movie was also very predictable in general, but not in an annoying way. It was more of a "wait for it, wait for it, Yes!!" kind of a way. Anything else I could say would just be annoying fangirl gushing.

Star Trek

Now don't hate me for this statement and I really do mean it as a compliment. The movie watched like really good AU-Canonesque Fanfiction reads: The plot was plausible within the original universe and it managed to keep everyone in character. All the right mannerisms and lines are given at the right time. There are lots of inside jokes for the hardcore fans. And it is entertaining as hell. I even took my mom to see this. She is a HUGE Star Trek fan. For her what made the movie was when Spock stepped down on his own without being asked. To her that was the ultimate test of how true it was to the original series. She also thought that the Romulan ship was very Babylon 5-esque and that the creatures and fight scenes where very Star Warsy. There was a ton of little things for fans to pick up on and inside jokes. Here are a few just off the top of my head: Bruce Greenwood plays Captain Christopher Pike, Who was the commanding officer of the USS Enterprise in the unaired original series pilot episode, the footage from which was put into a later episode. And Pike is considered to be Captain Kirk's predecessor. There are mentionings of Admiral Archer and his beagle. Captain Archer was the captain of the title ship in "Enterprise," a series that was a prequel to the original Star Trek series, and kept a Beagle named Porthos. In the scene where Kirk is taking the Kobayashi Maru test, he is eating an apple, which is also what he is eating while recounting his tale of taking the Kobayashi Maru test in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan. Finally, I think the name of the guy that dies when they are trying to turn off the drill has the same name as the guy that dies in the pilot episode of Star Trek that has William Shatner in it, but I am not sure on that one.
I thought the scene with Kirk making out with green woman was a hilarious little nod to the fans. The Romulan tattoos confused me at first until mom reminded me that the Romulans were on a mining ship and that they were a somewhat unique Romulan subculture. Chekov was adorable. Spock's ship reminded me of an octopus. The casting was amazing. I was also quite happy because I am a Spock fan and I got to have two of them. My only disappointment was the wig they used for Spock's hair was just awful. I was going to go into my favorite quotes and my thoughts on individual actors but this has gotten rather long.

The Curious Case of Benjamin Buttons

It was an interesting movie and it was well cast but what really made the movie was the make up.

Angels and Demons

My opinion of this movie is probably very colored by the fact that I was an art history major (who had to study Bernini quite a bit) and I hated the Da Vinci Code. This movie is better then the Da Vinci Code. There are a lot of factual errors but they don't detract from a persons enjoyment of the movie. The twist at the end was interesting. Not one of my favorites. The one real highlight of the movie for me was the Vatican Archives (which probably look nothing like that). Me and my fellow research geeks have many a fantasy about rummaging through various archives and this movie had me practically drooling. Of course someone had to go an ruin my fun and do all they could to dash my little fantasies. Really, was I hurting anyone?

Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian

I'm not sure if I liked this one better or worse then I liked the first one. I did think it was cute though. Hank Azaria was spectacular. I thought Amelia Earhart was annoying as hell. I think it would be hard for someone to enjoy this movie without first seeing Night at the Museum.


"You're crazy!" "Yeah, but it works." This was a dark and intriguing film. It did lag in a few spots, but not so bad that I lost interest. Jean Smart just nailed her character.

Movies I would like to see:
Julie & Julia
My Sister's Keeper - Yes, I know it isn't really the kind of movie I would normally enjoy and it has Cameron Diaz in it but I have been a bit interested in it since the book came out.
Public Enemies
Away We Go
Little Ashes - I know it has Robert Pattinson in it and it got some horrendous reviews but I want to see it anyway.

Websites of the Day:
Godzilla vs. Your Wallet

movies, x-men origins: wolverine, star trek

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