opinions are like...well you know the rest

Feb 10, 2007 02:42

Ok, I guess I do have an opinion like everyone else. I feel slightly embarrassed that I even felt the need to weigh in on the issue but it seems to be everywhere and I didn’t want to start a fight to I decided to post it on my journal instead of commenting on a community post. But I find my caring about celebrities slightly embarrassing so I put it under a cut.

A lot has been made about Bam's comments on Bam Radio 28/8/2006. And honestly I'm really tired of hearing about it, so of course I decided to add my two cents to the pile of worthless opinions. *Smacks self in the head* Frankly none of our opinions matter and the whole thing is really none of our business. That being said, on with the rant!
Near the end of his broadcast on that date bam says to play some "old him not that new radio friendly fucking shit." This sent many people on a several posting frenzies but they all seemed to follow into two categories 1) Bam hates newer Him music and 2) Bam and Ville had a falling out.
1) I don’t listen to Bam's radio show but according to most people Bam only ever plays older Him music, he never plays Darklight and he rarely plays Love Metal. Also Bam was very upset that day and I’m not sure he was referring to Him's music specifically when he said "new radio friendly fucking shit" I think he may have just wanted them to play something he really liked as apposed to other crap.
2) Who knows. It has been commented several times that Ville seems to be distancing himself from Bam. Also both have been very busy with various things. Ville and no other members of Him were at Bam's wedding but there was some sort of statement sent out supposedly from Ville saying that he couldn’t come because of working on the new album and that he did send a present. There were also heartagrams everywhere at the wedding. Besides this is just one of those cases of "we don't know them and it is really none of our business." If they aren't friends anymore and they were really as close as they said they were then that is kind of sad but who knows.
As to Bam's other comments, I agree with him that people are far too eager to sue someone and that it is a bit ridiculous. And as for the people that are whine about "well why doesn’t bam pay for Don Vito’s stuff blah blah blah", he probably is. His point seemed to be that Don Vito was sick and that he doesn’t have any money. Bam seems to be fairly generous with his money when it comes to his family and friends but that doesn’t change the fact that it is Bam's money not Don Vito's.
What this all boils down to is that regardless of anything else Don Vito is facing felony charges (I haven’t heard of a civil suit of any kind yet). Our legal system demands that he be innocent until proven guilty. And Bam was obviously very upset that day and he seems very close to his uncle; so just give him a break.
I wasn't there. I don't know anyone involved. It’s none of my business. I know nothing.
Bam Radio 28/8/2006: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HMuM_wTLYXk
News about Don Vito's arrest and preliminary hearing are on http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/16945904/ and http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/14444285/
You can easily find more on it if you wish everyone seems to be talking about it.
On a lighter note:
After all of that shit Bam gave Missy over her wedding dress this is what he wore at the wedding:

I'd start a whole new rant about that but I don’t have the energy (lucky you).

don vito, bam margera

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