Mar 23, 2008 05:54

Fall term is long over and done with but it was my last term at school. A lot happened then and I don't actually remember the details too well. But it was important enough and eventful enough that I thought that I should at least try to sum up my last term, under a cut of course.

Well Fall term started with a bang. The first four days I was there I moved-in with a new roommate, did Freebies at Freddies, Intermingle, and got my nose pierced. The next day I started my new job. But I basically discussed all that when it happened or there abouts so lets move on.

I also told you about my first week of classes but now that they are long over I guess I should give an end of term review.
Photography in the American West: I particularly enjoyed this class. It was a new class aimed at trying to expand the Art History department by adding more photography oriented classes. The format was also very nice. There was two midterms that were relatively simple and no papers. Instead we had to basically create and online photo exhibit using flickr. We were given the parameters for the photo groups for each post and were supposed to post two photos every couple of weeks. We had to also post biographical information on the photographer and identify the photograph. We also had to analyze the photo in a similar format to a museum tag. At the end of the term our final was to write a paper that discussed our gallery of photos individually and as a group. It was supposed to be like an exhibition catalog. Our professor was very enthusiastic. I enjoyed being taught by him. Grade: B
Text and Image: This class was centered around one of my favorite topics in art history; medieval manuscripts. This class was very informative. It included lectures that were packed with images and information as well as a lot of reading. It was perhaps almost too much reading. It was one of those things that was very difficult but very rewarding when you look back on it. Unfortunately, the professor for that class is very ill and during the term she got much worse. This resulted in many canceled classes and several shortened classes. I know it pained her that she thought she was short changing our education because of it. She was also my adviser. Grade: B
Humanities 101: It was a filler class. We covered many things that I normally would have found fascinating, except that I had studied most of it before. After the final, the grad student that lead the discussion group sought me out and friended me on facebook. That was a bit creepy. It was a class that I would have found overwhelming as a freshmen, mostly because of the ton of reading. It was the class I didn't have to pass. Grade: A-
Meditation: I dropped it after the second class.

I also managed to go to many of the Saturday Markets. Not all of them like I had hoped but enough that I don't feel like I missed out during my last term. Hairball sometimes went with me and I think my roommate came with me once.

I also got to finally see the Simpson's movie. I went to the $1.50 movie theater with my roommate.

I also managed to score some good freebies at the Fall fair and I got to go to the street fair in the same day. Later that day I bought Hairball a caramel apple and we went to the mall.

I went to see The Nightmare Before Christmas in 3D. It was very good. There are some parts that could have made pop out that they didn't that would have made it a bit scarier. Hairball was supposed to go with me but she forgot.

I also finally got to go to the cornmaze. It was muddy goodness. I went with my roommate and we had fun wandering around being scared. I really loved the guys that ran out with the chainsaws. There are pictures and I will post them on facebook, hopefully Monday, but I make no promises.

For a class I went to the screening of Eloquent Nude. There was a Q&A with the director afterwards, and in class the next day. It was a beautiful and well made documentary. At the time I thought of it was a fulfilling and near life changing experience. Now I can barely remember it. Here is the website: http://www.nwdocumentary.org/weston/index2.html

I also went to Rocky, as I do every year. I feel bad saying this but this year was kind of a let down. They just didn't seem as into it as usual. I feel bad especially since I had friends in the cast and Hairball came with me even though she was on crutches. But we made the most of it and there are some pictures that have yet to be posted.

THE HIM CONCERT! Mandy graciously agreed to hangout with me in Portland, go to the concert, and let me crash an her couch. This makes her amazing and I don't believe I have properly thanked her. I took the bus to Portland. Mandy and I then spent the day hanging out wandering the streets of Portland. We went to the Saturady market and got lunch. Voodoo Doughnut was our next stop. I can still taste that grape doughnut if I think hard enough. http://voodoodoughnut.com/ Mandy also showed me the amazing world of Powell's. We had sushi for dinner and later got coffee somewhere. It was wierd. We were in Portland, yet couldn't find a coffee shop. After a rather interesting trip to Spartacus it was time to get in line for the concert. I already spoke about the concert in a previous post. We had a lot of fun and I hope to be able to visit Mandy again soon.

There were also several guest lectures I was required to go to throughout the term that I don't remember.

I spent far too much time at Spirit, but if you know my love for all things Halloween and read my previous posts about it, I think you can forgive me.

I was invited to do Duck Preview (campus tour guide) but I declined. Its kind of nice I was selected as a possible but I don't really regret not doing it like I thought I would.

My announcements did not get done on time. But believe me I busted my butt trying.

My new cd player also chose this time to go insane. It slowly started refusing to acknowledge that there was a cd in the player. At first it was just a couple cds, then it ended up only being able to play three of the cds I owned. I could not resolve this problem until thanksgiving break. I thought I was going to go insane.

Thanksgiving break was cut short for me because my mom wanted to go shopping. And boy did we go shopping. I ended up with a new purple cell phone and a new pair of black converse. I really needed both.

Not that I haven't bored you enough with my vague account of fall term but there will be a part two! But not until after breakfast, and maybe a nap.

roommate, announcements, thanksgiving break, fall term, cd player, shopping, simpsons, concert, nightmare before christmas, eloquent nude, spirit, class review, fall fair, duck preview, voodoo doughnuts, school, mandy, street fair, rocky, movies, hairball, about me, cornmaze, portland, powell's, saturday market

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