Image Rehosting

Jul 26, 2017 19:30

Hello all,

I haven't pulled everything down from Photobucket yet, but now that I'm at imgur (I'm SpiralKat there), I will begin the slow process of rehosting my images.

If you come across a post with broken images on any of my journals on LJ (kattrip033) or DW (
spiralicious or
gummiwolf), any of my posts at communities on either site, or any of my fics at AO3 (
spiralicious ), drop me a note and I'll fix it asap.

If you don't want to leave me a comment on the post itself that has the issue, I'll link this post on my sitcky on LJ and on DW and you can leave me a comment here with a link to the post.

Thank you

image hosting

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