Deep Breath

Jul 11, 2007 23:56

I guess I shall do a real update.
Romeo is adjusting well. He still cries all the time but he spends more time with us. He explores the house more and has decided that everything he comes across is a toy. He is a very strange furball. Hopefully I will post photos next week.
I got sad news in my e-mail today. The courts denied stays for internet radio (I hope I worded that right). The only hope now is if congress brings the bill concerning internet radio to the floor for an immediate vote. If this doesn't work, Sunday the music dies.
There was also some happy news. I got paid. I totally forgot that at the end of June I would be getting my May paycheck. I don't know why I forgot this but that is a little under $600 I wasn't planning on dropped in my lap. It is around half of what I need for the school term and about a third of what I need over all. So that is something to be excited about right?
I also finally got to talk to Tina. She is in her new house and has internet. Sadly her bird has flown away. We did talk about my trip to visit her in nola after I am done with school. Because I have enough to visit or enough for a very cheep (aka non-existent) plane ticket. We did come up with an idea. She is diving up for Christmas. I could just ride back down with her. The problem is how do I get home. I still can't afford a plane ticket and one-way tickets are more expensive. Bus tickets are not that expensive though. I could ride the bus home. It is a very scary thought (2 days, 10 hours, and 20 minutes being the shortest ride, alone), but it maybe my only option.
I have very annoying neighbors. They moved in right before I came home from school. They bought the house just to fix it up and sell it. The problem is it is not selling so they have actually moved into it. As far as I can tell it is a couple and their little yappy dog. They are so annoying, sitting in their hot tub yelling at their dog at 3 am. I have a plan to get them back but where am I going to find a kiddie pool and a fat man in swim trunks?
I may see Jenny this weekend!
The job hunt doesn't go so good. I have checked in at Spotlight and it doesn't look like they are hiring at the moment but because I came in and checked my application is now at the top of the very large stack. I also turned in my application to work at the animal shelter. It sounds like they are still hiring but who knows. I shall have to wait and see.
Recently this: was brought to my attention. I have done what I can as far as contacting representatives and getting other people's attention. I am currently working on "telling the FCC my story." I tried doing it yesterday but my computer restarted by itself, as it often does, and I lost the long draft I had been writing so I am starting over. It honestly has me very stressed out and I know what is at stake. But I also know that anything major, such as losing access to Lj, myspace, or facebook, or suddenly having to pay a charge for the privilege, is most likely not going to happen overnight or without warning and even if it does I won't be able to do anything about it, including being able to pay for such services. So I am just going to do what I can and try not to let my poor overstressed brain get too strung out. I am also forcing myself to wait to update my facebook and myspace pages till I have other things worked out to help with my internet worries and stress. So far it is not working.
This is just the tip of my mental breakdown iceberg. Even with the good things that are going on I am left with a constant uneasy feeling. I listened to Uneasy Listening Vol. 2 by HIM and it made me feel amazing but it didn't last long.
Here are some quiz thingies to help lighten the mood:

Your Toes Should Be Black

A total rulebreaker (and heartbreaker), you're always a little punk rock.

Your flirting style: Wacky and a bit shocking

Your ideal guy: An accomplished artist, musician, or writer

Stay away from: Preppy guys looking for a quick bad girl fling
What Color Should Your Toenails Be?

You're 85% Irish

Congratulations, you're a shining example of an Irish lass (or lad).
There's hardly anyone more Irish than you!
How Irish Are You?

Dark Purple

To others, you seem a bit dark, mysterious, and moody.
In truth, you are just a very unique person who doesn't care what others think.
And you really enjoy your offbeat interests and friends.
You've decided that life is about living for yourself - simple as that.
What Color Purple Are You?

Website of the Day:

romeo, facebook, myspace, him, nerves, job hunt, quizes, internet radio, internet, home

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