Dec 20, 2004 14:24 cousins r finally here..but they left for LA sunday morning and are coming back to moraga thursday.
yesterday i went shopping with my brother and his gf was alot of fun. after that Matt drove me down to rheem to hang out with katy tina julie and kristen..i met them at burger king. we went into the play ground and took so many pictures of us goofing off..their was this asian family and it was so funny..then we went outside and sat on the sidewalk on this big grassy area...we took so many pictures *they shud be on julies website soon* and just had a blast..
we went back to tinas house after that to open gifts..and chava finally came. we were getting all hpyer n shit..and i drank some sparkling cider and have some sugar so i was helov hyper..(but im sick now >:o) and so we begged tony (tinas dad) to take us to rheem so he did..but instead we wentto bens house first..ben and ryan looked at us like we were idiots..but w/e i dont care bcuz it was rlly fun..we got all dressed up..i wore tinas reindeer nose that lights up..and tina dresed up like a bunny..and we wore was quite fun..bens parents were happy to see us..we sang for ben and ryan..haha then we sang for bens parents..we sucked tho bcuz we werent tryin..well it was good seeing ben and ryan bcuz i havent seen them forever..those kids r gr8..
we all piled back into tinas car..kristen and tina like ducked so the cops wudnt see then tony went and dropped us off at uhhh rheem..we went into nations and tony left ppl were looking @ us like idiots since we were all dressed was sucha gr8 nite..alot of other things happened..but u can look in katys LJ to figure out wut happened.. well fill this out..i got it from edies lj
1. who are you
2. how did we meet
3. when was this
4. what did u think of me before we actually ever talked, answer it honestly
alrighty well ttyl bye