Mar 11, 2003 21:36
im thinking that over the summer i should write a one-act play.
and then i will put it under a pen name and give it to a friend of mine in the Directing class. and they will produce it and it will be loads of fun.
and it saves the Theatre money because they wont have to pay me rights. of course, the director and Mr. Ortmann would know i wrote it, but no one else would, cuz id use the pen name.
interesting thought.
talking about BNP w/ Ana today. i said "i'll seriously play a guy role if we need it..."
but she keeps going on about how they need me for major female roles. ok, yeah, theres only one really, and thats Beatrice. and they treat me like im some great actress. yeah, right.
i kinda really wanna be in On Stars, just for the experience. but im not going to make it... there are three girl roles, seven total. im having trouble finding a monologue. chrissy's doing one from the Heidi Chronicles, the play i did for Acting 1 Final last semester. i kinda think maybe that'd be easy for me to do... hell, ive read the play and studied the character. i just never got the chance to act her properly cuz my scene partner was a schmuck.
hah, i titled this "life, the universe, and everything" and promptly begin talking about theatre. its so true.
so much going on right now its not even funny. the Musical is this week, we start rehearsal for California next week, the marking period just ended... then spring break, then a week of school, then a half week, with Wednesday as late start. Wednesday leave for Cali. return sunday. go to school for another week, then half week of school *wednesday and thursday off due to Prairie State Test* which is also Vocal Jazz tech week. then band concert. then May, the month of ending things -- banquets and graduation prep and finals and all that jazz.
second semester always seems less busy than the first, but it really isnt. i think i just think its less busy cuz its got two plays instead of four.
there i go again, relating life to theatre.
"Theatre is a black hole. Once you're in, you're never out." - Ian
with all this going on, its amazing i have time to think about relationships: though not really rationally. but whatever... its not like it matters right now.
"In the end, it doesnt even matter."
I love Jeremy and the Chess Team for their theme songs.
which gives me another few N-hall quotes, besides the one above.
"Im imagining the wall of the theatre room is a cheese grater, and i am the cheese." - Elizabeth Foley
Mr. O: "Comedia is traditionally very adult in content... Like this one character, Pantalone... old harry miserly man who wants to be with the big-breasted woman, right?"
Chrissy: "Yeah..."
Jeremy: "Oh. Mr. Mayfield."
those are all for now.
and now, good night.