Jun 01, 2006 21:56
"never make someone a priority when you're only an option"
these past 13 months have taught me a lot about what it means to be in a relationship and how it feels to love someone for the first time. i've realized that relationships aren't easy at all and all though you go through ups and downs, things eventually work out. the ups and downs in a relationship only make you stronger and it makes you realize everything you like about the person you're with.
this is for you...
i know our relationship hasnt been easy, and it never was, but nonetheless we stuck through it and pulled each other through thick and thin. yes i must admitt there were times that we both got frustrated at each other but that only made us realize that not everything in a relationship has to be perfect. i fell in love with you because through the rough times, we worked together to make things work, you were there for me when i was having the shittiest of days and you made me laugh even when i pissed off at you. you made me realize that love isn't easy to come by and you made me realize that i was the better person out of the both of us. thank you for breaking my heart but in the end, making me a stronger person. you've made me realize that within 13 months i could love someone and still love them to this very day. i don't think i'm upset, i'm just disappointed and sad because you never tried to be the person you wanted to be to me and what i knew you could be. thank you for giving me an opportunity to learn from my mistakes and to realize that putting myself on the line for you more than once is one too many times. i let you have what you wanted, and i gave you my all, but i never realized that maybe i didn't mean the same to you. i know you always say that i mean more than anything to you, but i realize that what you have to say to me is bullshit and that nothing will ever change that. everything you have put me through has made my heart concrete and cold that i really have no more love to give and no more tears to cry. although its going to be hard to move on and to forget about all the times we've had, i know its possible, because if i can fall in love with you then its possible for me to fall out of love with you. there's so much more i could say, but i realize that you would fail to understand or even realize how much this hurts me.