Sep 21, 2006 13:42
HEHEHEH im so cool lmao im at school and im using the computer and they don’t know that im on livejournal lmao I know that im a retard but im bored lamo see I went to English again at 1th period with Johanna Richelle Alyssa Peter Paulene and Mae and I couldn’t concentrate because they are such a distraction lmao all we did was giggle lmao I was so distracted from my work that I made a song lmao it’s a remix of pulling me back =p it goes like everytime I try to concentrate someone keeps pulling me back me back lmao when I get home someday ill shall write the rest to the lyrics Then I went to English at 4th period all by my self and I finshe d all my work already and I think I have like half an hour to go till the next period.I would hall walk but I scared I might get caught lmao like Alyssa and Johanna always do lmao . lmao ohh today is camp robin hood our school is so ghay they didn’t even tell us what were gonna today.The family said they they are going to hall walk at night lmao hahahahah lmao watch everyone get in trouble lmao ne wayz I think imight get caught soo ill leave it here lmao ill be back lmao heheh so evil =] -kaay g.*
heheh so slick