procrastination, what what?

Nov 07, 2005 08:12

why ipretend this is going to be a good paper and that i'll get it done without havin to skip varieiteis of christinaity is beyond me. if only i hadn't had an emotional breakdown last night, tahn all woul dbe going to scheudle. obviously i can ty pe a paper. my spellign totally rocks today. i ahve to catch a bus in 30 minutes, and iv'e gwirttne a paragraph of my "s long as it needs to be" paper. which sucks. my last one ended up being 6 pags long. this rocks. not. i just need the ability to focus, whic hi'm totally lacking. buh.

i love you. thank you so much for just listing last night, it's what i needed.

thank you lisa and sara for coming up this weekend. i had a super time with you, and loveyou both. you made my birthday spectacular.

two weeks from tomroww i'll be goin home for hanksgiving. i might be goign to unh tueseay night and tthen driving lisa home on wednesay. dependign on what my family's doing. that woudl be fun.

gonna go see harry potter on the 26th with dan. it shall be a fun time. i dotn reammeber the last time i saw a movir in theaters.

i shoudl really e wriitng my paper.

i love netflix. it toally rocks and i'm gonan be sad when my free five months run out and i'm not gnna ba eable to have it anymore.

my last application paper, i wrote muh of in vairiteis of chritinaity and got a B+. i hoep my luckwill stay the same for this on. this ones 13.5% of my grade. the last one was only 11. and he's gonan grade harder. so i doubt it'll stay with me.

everyone on my profiel (who has aim) including myself has a link in the bottom of their profiel saying somethign aout less right clicks. i really wanna explore it, cuz i dont get virusses usually. i'll talk to mydad first before i do, id o believe. the link is really to i explored a bit, and it has you sign in and everything. but id idnt go tot he page itself. dont have time for a virus right now. need to writ ea paper firs.

poor pete the pumpking pirate. or pete the pirate pumpkin. he died. death by easy mac. 'll be posting pictures up later on my phto site. ineed to make sure he gets thrown out today. he's moldy.

my room's still a mess cuz i never had time to get to it. thankfully, rahcel understands and doesnt mind and can wait until tuesday to have a clean room again. shes a good roommate.

i'm really tired. but in a good mood oveall. in the end, eveythign addd up, i had a good weekend. just some really bad parts of it.

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