Jun 22, 2003 10:59
After writing the WW vignette (which is still in beta process since my first beta claimed there was nothing wrong with it and I refuse to believe that) one of my first thoughts was "Well, yet again a story about a disabled character".
Then I got interested in that thought, so I sat down with a pen and paper.
Counting the Birthdayverse series as one story (because it was always meant to be a series, unlike anything else I have written), I have written 38 fanfic stories. 15 of these involve disabled characters: The Big Day, Heaven and Earth, My Gift From God, The Second Time You Fall, Fairy-born and Human-bred, This is My Beloved Son, Good Intentions, What They Deserve, Unwilling Eurydice, Guess Who's Coming to Manchester, Listening In, The Son and Yet Not, Grief and the Lack of it, the Birthdayverse series and now the West Wing vignette. That's approximately 40% of my total.
Another eleven stories deal with differences/social stigmas of other kinds: Merry Wars and Sad Songs, By the Last Stage of Lycanthropy, The Incurable Loneliness, The Tale of Myra and Merrilil, Fearless, Noah and the Storm, Cor 12, Frank's Child, Spiked Blood, I Love You Two and Devil's Child. That's another almost 30%.
Which leaves less than a third of my stories that focus on neither of those things. And if one goes for word-count, it's a lot less than that, since all of my long stories end up in the first two piles. The longest story that isn't about those things is The Jossverse Flute with its 9000 words. (The Birthdayverse is more than 40,000 words, the Unwilling duo more than 70,000.) Furthermore, most of those stories are either humour or light slash.
Another interesting thing is that most of the things I inflict on my characters are canonical, not invented. I'm apparently drawn to such characters in the first place. And even when it is something I'm inventing for the characters, I generally don't go with the normal route, which is introduce the problem in the first chapter and eliminate it in the last one. So it's some comfort when I risk falling into the angst pile.
Of course I was aware of my morbid inclinations, as were all of you. It's not the first time I mention it, after all, and some of you probably even read my stuff. I just weren't aware they were so big - it's a larger percentage than my slash stories are.
I need some sort of label for myself. Apart from "sicko".
fic talk