My Yuletide Fics (for Agnes Cecilia, Orange is the New Black, and The Little Prince)

Jan 01, 2016 09:32

 Now that the cat's out of the bag, these are my three Yuletide stories:

Title: Only a Doll
Fandom: Agnes Cecilia - Maria Gripe
Character: Hedvig Björkman
Pairing: Hedvig/Rose
Rating: G
Word count: 2,936
Summary: Hedvig's life over the decades, trying to find the thread that would let her set right what went wrong.

This was the original assignment, and I was so amused to write a Maria Gripe story at the same time as I was hoping to receive (and did receive!) a Maria Gripe story. Writing it was a treat, as was re-reading the book for the Nth time.

Title: Jail Kills the Honeymoon Phase
Fandom: Orange is the New Black
Characters/Pairing: Poussey Washington/Brook Soso
Rating: T
Word count: 1,787
Summary: Poussey and Soso are really happy as they wade out of that lake and start exploring their feelings for each other.
Holding onto that happiness proves much harder.

I was so thrilled to see this prompt, since I've always meant to write a Poussey fic but never got around to it. And Poussoso are a pair of adorable baby otters who deserve all the best in this world.

Title: In the Shadow of the Baobabs
Fandom: Le Petit Prince | The Little Prince - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry  
Characters: The little prince, the flower, the sheep
Rating: G
Word count: 1,370
Summary: The little prince returns home and finds that all is not well with his planet.

This was my quickest write. I played the flower in a production of The Little Prince many years ago, and then I did the whole thing as a one-person show working for my previous school, so this felt like going home. I really love this book (especially the bit about the Turkish astronomer) and was so excited to get the prompt.

Mia and Rebecca were great help as betas! This entry was originally posted at and has
comments there.

book talk, maria gripe, fic, tv talk, yuletide

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