Hello Yuletide writer! Thank you so much for doing this! I hope the fandoms I've requested won't be too difficult for you - just enough to make the job interesting. :-)
I'm pretty easygoing when it comes to stories - any pairing and rating is fine, and I have a soft spot for character studies (which my requests probably show). I don't mind a bit of darkness but am not that into grimdark stuff, and I don't tend to read many AU/elseworld stories so... if you like the requested fandoms and characters you should be fine.
Also, if you feel that the matched fandom is too difficult for you, getting acquainted with one of the other ones shouldn't take too long. (Well, except that the Shadow series isn't available in English, so unless you're speaking Swedish or Spanish, you're out of luck.)
Skugg-serien/The Shadow series, by Maria Gripe
Character: Lydia Stenstierna
Sign-up prompt: Lydia's actions are so important to the events of the books, yet we get so very little from her own perspective. I would like to know more about her, the way she sees what's happening around her.
My previous entries about author Maria Gripe,
Topkapi (1964 film)
Character: Any
Sign-up prompt: I thoroughly enjoy this film and have wished for it for Yuletide before. I have suggested four characters, but would enjoy a story about anyone. (Although perhaps not primarily Simpson, since the original book that the film is based on can be considered Simpson's story.)
My previous entries about Topkapi.And a Tumblr summary. Some Kind of Wonderful (1987 film)
Character: Keith, Watts, and/or Amanda
Sing-up prompt: I was quite enamoured with Watts in this film, and as lovely as the ending is, I was a little disappointed that she wasn't a lesbian. If you can, I would love a story in which one of the main trio (either is fine) develops a same-sex attraction, and how they all deal with that.
If you feel you can't do anything with that prompt, feel free to write another story of your liking!
(Seriously, this is my most specific prompt, and you REALLY don't have to follow it if you don't want to. Also, I don't seem to have any previous posts on this film, for some reason.)
Ex Machina (2015 film)
Character: Ava
Sign-up prompt: I would like a story about Ava, her thoughts about the events or the film, or something that happens earlier/later.
My review of the film. (Which is kind of ambivalent, but I did like it!)
This entry was originally posted at
http://katta.dreamwidth.org/636843.html and has
comments there.