Bit happier about my TV watching

Oct 27, 2014 20:12

 I'm feeling a bit more optimistic about TV this week than last, in general.

This latest Doctor Who ep was pretty nice, though it was marred for me bythe trees talking through Maeve - I couldn't understand what they were saying! I rewound and tried again, but I still couldn't understand it. Which means I don't actually have a very good notion of what the plot was all about. Feel free to enlighten me!


OUAT was also better this week, which is a bit ironic seeing how last week was a Hook ep and this one I spent a lot of the time going "oh FUCK YOU, Regina!" Apparently detesting Regina is part of my entertainment. It's hard to remember that she was one of my favourites, back in season 1... but of course, back then she was a villainess and I wasn't supposed to take her martyr complex seriously.

This ep, I started thinking that maybe Regina simply doesn't see other people as real, except if they feature into her happy ending. She can try to save Marian because Marian dying makes Robin unhappy, and an unhappy Robin leads to an unhappy Regina, but she can't be sorry about trying to kill Marian in the first place, much less everyone else she has killed. (Yeah, talk some more about how Emma has ruined your happiness, when you deliberately killed one of her love interests BECAUSE he was her love interest.) If this is the case, it seems to have happened after Daniel's death (since she was empathetic to Snow before that), but I also think it may be in part her mother's influence, because Lord knows Cora didn't see people as real.

The parallells between Regina & Emma and Lily & Emma also made me a little hesitant to embrace the latter duo, which is unfortunate, because taken on their own, they were adorable and highly shippable. I'm all on board Emma dating girls, just not Regina-shaped girls.
I also found the Hook/Emma scenes more romantic in this ep than in their date ep, which is a bit ironic too. At the same time, though, I'm side-eyeing the show, because the cuddles felt shoe-horned in to show that "Look! Emma is straight, really! All this connecting with womenfolk doesn't change that!" Which, please stop using my ship to reinforce mandatory heterosexuality. I still haven't forgiven you for shoving Mulan out the back door the minute she was outed.

And Ronja is still adorable, though I find myself grumbling at the reviews of adult anime-loving boys who Just Don't Get It. (Yes, I'm an adult too. But I have been a little girl, and I know what it's like to have a little-girl perspective on Ronja's story.)
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ronia the robber's daughter, doctor who, once upon a time, tv talk

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