Other Duties Just as Sacred (OUAT WIP, Milah/Killian, chapter 2)

Oct 06, 2014 19:22

Title: Other Duties Just as Sacred
Author: Katta
Fandom: Once Upon a Time
Length: Second chapter appr. 4,500 words.
Pairing: Milah/Killian
Summary: What would make a woman decide to leave her husband and child to go off with a pirate? And how would her life turn out once she had?
Rating: PG-13/T (for now, anyway)

Read chapter 2 on Archive of Our Own (browse back for earlier chapters)

Read chapter 2 on Fanfiction.net (browse back for earlier chapters)
This entry was originally posted at http://katta.dreamwidth.org/626845.html and has
comments there.

once upon a time, fic

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