The fall season is starting again, and first out is Haven, which has got me giddy and delighted all day. I made a combined gif set and review post
over on Tumblr, which pretty much sums it up. Though two of the gifs were too big for Tumblr, so I put them on Photobucket and am including them under the cut as well.
Btw, I can't decide whether or not I want the barely-AU fic where Nathan got by during the past six months by prostitution. Personally, I'd go for that one before being beaten up for a living, but then, I'm not a guy.
Also, I'm not sure whether we should refer to ER's character as Audrey or Lexi now. I went with Lexi, in my post, but it'd really be helpful if there was a name we could use for all of her.
And when Duke started yelling for Audrey Parker on TV, I half expected Audrey II to show up. It'd have been very nice if she had... but I guess I should be satisfied with getting to see Marion again. (I am one of very few people who liked Ezri Dax.)
Apropos those pictures posted above, I have said it before, but I do find it very touching the way the actors repeatedly stress that the triangle has three sides. Apart from Vampire Diaries, I can't recall any other show doing that - I guess Leverage, but even that's lopsided. If there's a weak link in the Haven triangle, it's probably Audrey/Duke, and even that one is pretty damn strong.
I found
a recent Eric Balfour interview where he talks about all this:
"It’s such an interesting thing, because I think in some ways one of the greatest love stories of this show is actually between Nathan and Duke. And although, you know, it’s not a romantic relationship and not a romantic love, it’s almost like a brotherhood and a familial relationship in some ways.
There is this question that I think we all ask ourselves about Duke, you know, if he even could have a relationship with Audrey, could he handle it? Would he really want it? Is he meant to be in a relationship? There are people in this world who, they’re meant to be alone. They’re meant to be on their own. But that’s something that I think Duke struggles with. And so I think there’s an element to it where as much as he may not want to admit it, Duke truly does care about Nathan and wants him to be okay and to be happy. But that may come at a price."
Aw. :-( I just want the whole trio happy!
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comments there.