Is there some way on Tumblr to block a specific person's posts on a specific subject? I know it's possible to block subjects in general, and as for people, it's easy enough to unfollow, but if you want to read everything EXCEPT a certain subject?
Specifically, after the Doctor Who ep aired, one of the people I followed on Tumblr started talking about how much Moffat sucks, and I quickly unfollowed. I think that's a bit of a pity, though, because I've enjoyed her stuff elsewhere. I just don't want to read the Moff-hate. I do want to read other people's posts on the show, though.
It's easier on Dreamwidth/Livejournal, because here people usually put TV thoughts behind a cut, and you learn which ones are likely to go off on a rant. And it's funny, I don't really have anyone on my flist who's prone to excessive Moff rage, even though I've never knowingly unfriended anyone over it. Maybe it's because my own tendency towards Moff-squee puts off the ragers, or maybe it's because I've got several old Press Gang fans on my flist, or maybe there's something about my tastes in general that makes people I'm drawn to more likely to be at least somewhat okay with Moff. (I do feel that there's a certain overlap with Diana Wynne Jones, can't tell what or how it works.)
Anyway. I'm obviously fine with everyone having their own opinions, and at times I'm even capable of taking in the negative, but when I'm on a squee, I want to stay in that squee. Hence, the desire to filter Tumblr posts.
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