Avenger pets

Jul 22, 2012 10:44

I have been claiming ever since I saw Thor that Thor is basically a puppy. An adorable, loyal, well-meaning, kind of dumb and inexperienced puppy. (Which is also why I have a hard time conceiving of Thor in a sexual situation. My mind just goes "ew".)

Now, I've been on vacation for three weeks, and my mind has been free to wander and ask stupid questions, such as, "If Thor is a puppy, what pets are the other Avengers?" Now, obviously I can only make estimations based on their movie appearance. Comic book personas may be very different.

That said, these are my conclusions:

Tony is a cat: Specifically, an unspayed tomcat looking to mark his territory.

Steve is a guineapig: Fluffy, innocent, and exposed to governmental experimentation.

Natasha is a ferret: Small and pretty, but a lethal hunter and prone to biting when cornered.

Bruce is a hamster (Syrian): Cuddly and seemingly harmless, but very solitary. Try to introduce a mate at the wrong time and he'll TEAR THAT GODDAMNED INTRUDER TO PIECES.

Clint is a Harris Hawk: Obviously, he had to be some sort of hawk or tiercel. The Harris Hawk is unusual in that it hunts in groups, and since the Avengers is definitely a group, I'll go with that one.

Nick is a parrot: Large, enduring, intelligent, and in charge, demanding everything to be done just right. Probably a macaw or an African Grey.

Coulson is a fish: You barely have time to get attached to it before it goes belly-up.

I don't have a suggestion for Maria, I'm afraid...

This entry was originally posted at http://katta.dreamwidth.org/583459.html and has
comments there.

film talk, the avengers

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