Everything now up on Ao3 - whew!

Jun 26, 2012 22:39

I have uploaded all of my fics to Ao3, including drabbles and RPG auditions, so that there's now a total of 111 fics in my account instead of 33.

It means I haven't gone to bed at the time I should have these past two nights, and it also means that my most-written fandoms are the ones I used to write in ages ago (15 X-men fics? Really?) but it does make me feel like I've accomplished something.

Now, if only any of those fics were from this year, I may have felt that I'd accomplished more. But hey, vacation time is coming up, maybe I'll finally finish that crossover.

This entry was originally posted at http://katta.dreamwidth.org/579971.html and has
comments there.

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