Computer broken again

Feb 22, 2012 18:19

My computer has broken AGAIN and is back in the repair shop. This is the second time in two months. I'm seriously considering getting a new one, though it's a pity about the brand-new hard drive.

I'm also contemplating maybe getting a laptop, because boy is it a nuisance to carry a full-sized computer to the bus stop and back. OTOH, I wouldn't be able to use that hard drive in a laptop, and I hold some hope that I might be able to re-use it otherwise.

Do you guys have any advice to give on computers? If I want one I can use to watch and edit movies, play simple games like Plants vs. Zombies, and that won't feel like a complete dinosaur for the next five years? Bear in mind that I do have an external hard drive as well (though the cable is starting to show bite marks, BAD DAISY) so I could put that in use if need be. But it'd be nice to have something that can play a streaming video rental without messing stuff up, which I've never succeeded with before.

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computer, rl

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