Pretty picture books

Sep 10, 2011 17:11

In happier book news, I've been reading Charlotte Gastaut's Le Grand Voyage de Mademoiselle Prudence (or Fannys fantastiska resa as it's called in Swedish) for the children at school. Well, "reading" - only the first few pages have any text, the rest of it is all pictures. And what pictures! Prudence/Fanny escapes her mother's (?) nagging by literally climbing over the letters and flying off into an adventure, in jungles and oceans and space. Little holes in the paper lead the way from one page to the other.

It's an amazing artwork that caught the children's attention as well as mine, and I can thoroughly recommend it for everyone. It doesn't seem to be available in English, but since there's so little text you could buy the French version and get just as much fun from it.

Don't take my word for it, check out these blog links with pictures:

from Papier de Soie
from Les lectures de Bauchette

And when you've come to the inevitable conclusion that THIS IS AWESOME, go buy

And while we're on the topic of amazing picture books, Sven Nordqvist's Var är min syster?/Where is my sister? is finally available for pre-ordering in English. Supposedly, it's the story of two mice going of in a pear-balloon to find the younger mouse's sister, who is hiding somewhere on every page in a Where's Waldo fashion. Really, though, it's just an excuse to have lots of pseudohallucinatory pictures with strange creatures of all shapes and sizes.

Blog posts with pics:

from Breakfast Book Club
from Dekadensmagasinet

And this one can be bought from, with delivery in October.

This entry was originally posted at and has
comments there.

book talk, sven nordqvist, charlotte gastaut

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