I'm closing the morbid lyrics guessing game now! You did very well, I thought. Only two of the English lyrics remained unguessed, and six of the Swedish ones.
Here's what everyone guessed (and
here's the LJ version with the actual guesses).
Below the cut are the answers to the lyrics that remained unguessed:
1. ”I shouted 'hooray!' every time one was gored.”
In Old Mexico by Tom Lehrer, a trip with bullfights and pickpockets. Sadly, the YouTube version lacks
the initial speech.
8. ”Teeth are extruded and bones are ground, and baked into cakes which are passed around.”
Hell (In the Afterlife) by Squirrel Nut Zippers. The catchiest song about eternal damnation I've ever heard. :-) Those of you who watched Dead Like Me might recognize it from the pilot.
5. ”En och annan furste han lägger ner en krans och ber en bön för ruttet kött från landet Ingenstans.”
("The occasional prince lays down a wreath and says a prayer for rotten meat from the country of Nowhere.")
Den okände soldaten (The Unknown Soldier) by Ruben Nilsson. Probably the most tragic of his morbid songs, though still with his trademark sarcastic humour - about how WW1 wasted the lives of so many young men and then praised their deaths.
6. ”Tar ni mina armar, ge dem gärna åt nån karl som håller om min fru när inte längre jag finns kvar.”
("If you take my arms, please give them to a man who holds my wife when I'm no longer around.")
När jag en gång dör (Once I Die) by Euskefeurat. They're among my newest favourite bands (Ronny Eriksson FTW!) and this song is quite fun, really - a guy making a list of where his body parts should be donated when he dies. (His brain to a TV producer, his spine to a union leader, and so on.)
7. ”Men --- han gick han och hängde sig oppe på vind. Och liksom av änglar buren till ett annat och sällare land, där svävade --- i ett rosenrött sidenband.”
("But --- went up to hang himself in the attic. And as if carried by angels to another, more blissful land, --- floated in the air from a rose-red silk ribbon.")
Trubaduren (The Minstrel) by Ruben Nilsson. Nilsson again. :-) A tale of mediaeval courtly love, which ends with the minstrel killing himself when the lady's husband returns.
9. ”De sökte länge, och kan ni tro, de fann en benhög uti en sko.”
("They searched for a long time, and can you believe it? They found a pile of bones in a shoe.")
Flickan från Askersund (The Girl from Askersund). Unknown author. I would have been quite surprised if any of you had known this one - it's a song about the dangers of dieting, which I learned in my folk dance class as a kid. It's not online anywhere (though a googling proves that it does indeed exist), so I made my own wobbly recording.
10. ”Trampborren hade missat och gått rakt genom mannens kind. Nu låg han dödssjuk på en vind.”
("The foot-powered drilled had missed and gone straight through the man's cheek. Now he lay dying in an attic.")
Varför är där ingen is till punschen? (Why Is There No Ice for the Punch?) by Povel Ramel. Ramel got so tired of nostalgic music that he wrote a song about the "good old days" when poor men died of cholera and their families had to go begging. An mp3 download link again, though this time with the master himself thinking. (Fortunately!) And as a bonus,
here's one with Cornelis singing it. 12. ”Så fick ja ett knogjärn så näsa flög åv.”
("Then I got me some brass knuckles that tore my nose off.")
Samling vid pumpen (Gather by the Pump) by Ulf Peder Olrog. Very cheerful song about a fatal rumble.
This entry was originally posted at
http://katta.dreamwidth.org/535998.html and has
comments there.