Amy Pond - policewoman, nurse, nun... plushie

Jul 17, 2010 23:05

I finally finished my Amy Pond plushie that I started making after The Eleventh Hour. Nothing if not lazy, me. I suppose I should make a Rory or Eleven now, but that'll have to be a later project. Besides, I need to get M. something instead of that Spiderman he lost. Possibly an Anakin - he's enough of a Star Wars geek at the tender age of five to have a Padawan lock. :-)

Now as for Amy Pond, here we have her:

Teaser miniature

From the front

From the back

A closer look at her clothes

Closeup vest

Closeup belt

As always, I used felt for the doll itself, as well as the skirt, vest and belt. The pantyhose are made from actual old pantyhose, and are sewn to the edge of the shoes, thus being the only item that cannot be removed. The shirt is some sort of linen. The tie and details are plaid ribbon - and yes, I'm aware they're the wrong kind of plaid, but it was all I could find. :-) The word "POLICE" on the back is made from strips of felt sewn onto an old sweater. The badge on the hat is cut from a present-wrap type ribbon.

As always, I have been using this pattern.

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sewing, doctor who, craft

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