You know, I get a bit growly whenever people complain about the librarian stereotype and go, ”We're not all frumpy bespectacled women in comfortable shoes, honestly!” But I remind myself, hey, they're not frumpy bespectacled women in comfortable shoes, they want people to know that, fair enough.
Rant number 1. )
O.O Being a legendary klutz - and not in the adorable Mary Sue sense, more in the Whoops, was that a Ming vase? sense - I feel and fear for you.
Everything Joss does is specialer always. That's #1 on the list.
Speaking of #1, one part that made me raise my eyebrows in somewhat amused resignation - when he writes about rabid Whedonites, there is that passage about crazy shippers, who are described as "shawl-wearing, cat-owning knitting enthusiasts." Of course, I don't wear shawls, but should I ever meet the man, I have to enlighten him on my thoughts on shipping. Preferably with the help of a cat and/or knitting needle.
Yeah, he was called Russell T. Davies. *g*
You know, I so managed to ignore that. My default thinking was simply: Oh, well, she's a companion, she'll leave at some point like all the others. It seems I even managed to overhear text passages? In Season 3, I was annoyed that Martha was hung up on Ten, mostly because I felt that such a fabulous and self-confident woman would have ten guys (and presumably gals) on each of her digits and if someone didn't want her, she would move on to someone who did. But I never clued in that the text was trying to tell me Ten didn't notice her because he was hung up on dear Rosita. (And let's face it, him trying to run away with the Evil Overlord in the end didn't really do favours to that interpretation, either.) So, yeah, didn't know Russel T. had an OTP until fairly late in Season 4.
And I agree, Nine needed Rose and possibly Jack, and Ten needed Martha, but most of all he needed Donna.
Yeah, that bit did have me rolling my eyes.
But I never clued in that the text was trying to tell me Ten didn't notice her because he was hung up on dear Rosita.
Wow, really? I felt there was a "Rose!" every other episode... or maybe I was just put off by "The Shakespeare Code" with its Rose-would-have and Rose-as-the-magic-word.
And I agree, Nine needed Rose and possibly Jack, and Ten needed Martha, but most of all he needed Donna.
Ten needed Donna like whoah.
It's kind of interesting, that, which companions work well in a transfer to the next Doctors and which don't.
It's my anti-shipping goggles. They are like slash goggles, only they filter out shipping tendencies (apparently even those of creators). It's really quite astonishing.
It's kind of interesting, that, which companions work well in a transfer to the next Doctors and which don't.
Unfortunately, I have little material to compare, since I've not really seen many companions cross over. Ten and Rose had a decidedly different dynamic than her and Nine, though, and I felt they were often annoying together, like schoolchildren playing pranks (Tooth and Claw is a good example for that, although I love it otherwise). Comparing Sarah Jane with Three vs. her with Ten is very difficult since her age is so different, and that does alter the dynamic as much as the differing Doctor personalities and 70s vs. 00s.
I envy you - well at least in this particular case. :-)
Unfortunately, I have little material to compare, since I've not really seen many companions cross over.
I haven't seen it all either, but Sarah Jane seems to have worked with Four, Nyssa and Tegan did well with Five, while Mel jarred quite a bit with Seven... but then again, maybe she jarred with Six too, I don't know.
And that's it exactly with Ten and Rose.
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