(no subject)

Dec 12, 2009 18:08

I'm not very knowledgeable about Hannukah fics in general, but I still think this Being Human Hanukkah fic may be the most adorable one ever.

Speaking of seasonal parties, one of the upsides with having a Nobel exhibition at the library is that I've learned a lot about the winners - by which I mean the winners of stuff not literature. Yay nobelprize.org! For instance, I know what telomerase is. :-) That's really cool knowledge! I think it's quite unfortunate that all the attention tends to go to the literature prize, because as I've discovered lately, natural science is Totally Awesome. But I suspect most journalists aren't in a Totally Awesome phase about natural science.

Also, I've bought an Edamer, meaning Christmas is really coming. I don't know if I'm happy or sad that the cheese is all mine, meaning my dad won't put the last piece of the red wax on his head and go, "Hey, look at me, I'm the pope!" as he always does with the cheese at home.


I haven't watched Heroes in a while, but thanks to cadesame, I now know that this is what passes for canon these days. *laughs self silly* I have to admit, that's not something I particularly wanted. Maybe it's just as well I haven't been watching, especially since the Pasdar is now free to do other projects. (Please pick him up for something fantastic, world!)

But since we're having canon crack, how about the SPN writers follow suit and make this canon? Because that would be hilarious. (Though, admittedly, since I still haven't seen season 5 I wouldn't even know if it DID become canon.)


I've seen and read a lot of stuff that I should probably talk about, but right now I'm going to settle for talking about Jersey Girl, because it's such an interesting failure. In a way, I have a hard time seeing how it could be anything but a failure, considering that it's a sentimental family comedy directed by Kevin Smith. So, on the one hand, we have the Kevin Smith snappy dialogue and offensive moments, and on the other hand, we have a storyline about a little girl and her daddy, up to and including the "will daddy choose city life in New York, or going to his little girl's school talent show?" moment. Those two just don't go together.

Maybe if it were Dear Frankie as written and directed by Kevin Smith, but rather, it's Corrinna Corrinna as written and directed by Kevin Smith. I think the audiences for those kinds of movies rarely overlap. Personally, I fall in the category that loved the dialogue but felt it deserved a better plot. (As for the characters, Affleck was amiable, Carlin was great, Tyler was okay in a part that felt more like a man's idea of a woman than an actual woman, and the kid was awful - but movie kids usually are.)

I'd like to see Smith take on a semi-serious film again some time, but I hope if he does, he manages to create a better story.

film talk, kevin smith, supernatural, heroes, fic rec

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