Chekov: The Plushie

Jun 14, 2009 22:34

A while ago, someone in metaquotes mentioned a Star Trek movie reviewer saying that, "Chekov is so adorable his action figure will have to be a plushie."

Obviously, I took this as a challenge. The only question was, what kind of plushie? At first I thought maybe a knitted one. Then I wondered if perhaps I could use this as an opportunity to teach myself how to crochet. But then there was a post over on crafty_tardis with a Fifth Doctor Plushie, and a link to the pattern used, and since said Fifth Doctor Plushie was freaking adorable I decided to make a felt plushie.

The process was not without its problems (I accidentally printed the pattern at 84%, couldn't turn the arms right side out, sewed a foot on back to front, the cheek marks looked so silly I removed them again...) but eventually I did indeed manage to make a Chekov plushie. Even if my mom, when I showed her a pic of Anton Yelchin, laughed and said, "They look nothing alike!" Wow, thanks mom. :-)

"Captain, there seems to be a problem."
"What's that, ensign?"
"I'm a wee little puppet man."

Everything is better with ponies.

Chekov with his proud maker. Mom insisted on including the art piece on the wall, which I embroidered and gave to her some years ago. And I didn't cut it out of the picture, so I suppose I'm kind of proud of it. :-)

sewing, star trek, craft

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