Heroes and SPN and throwing in a little Patrik 1,5 while I'm at it

Sep 23, 2008 21:17

So, I have now seen the two first Heroes eps of the new season, and since I promised to post about SPN and my thoughts sort of interact I'm putting them both in the same post and under the same spoiler cut.

So, Heroes was... Heroes. I think the romance phase is over for me. The primary symptom of this was that I barely cared during the split second when it seemed Nathan was dead, except for a fleeting worry that Adrian Pasdar would not be able to get another part that would have him regularly showing up on my TV screen.

My thoughts on the episodes as such mostly fit into motivator mode:
"Shirtless Mohinder: enjoying his hubris!"
"Nathan is on a mission from Glod!" (Which was funny, but I think I prefer Dean's mission from Glod.)
"If Jessica is Niki, then is Tracy Jessica?"
"Broken iceman will look icky when melted."
"Claire the Final Girl is made of lolz." (But, I'm sad to say, no Jamie Lee Curtis.)
"Noooo! Don't be breaking up my house of M!" (This is very typical Kring, isn't it, to always put people in new constellation? I do enjoy it, in a way.)
"Awesome Angela is awesome!"
"Creepy Mohinder is creepy." (I kind of like it, though, storywise.)
"OMG you killed Bob! You... actually, I don't know how I feel about that."
"Doolittle Matt! WIN! -- Aw, not Doolittle Matt. Pity."
"Sylar is lost Petrelli brother. Must fight for title with Josef Fares and Gambit."
"If Hiro isn't nice to Ando, I will take him away."

So, yeah, mostly shallow. I think the fact that I've spent so much time watching 21 Jump Street and season 5 of West Wing means I am used to turning off my brain by now.


As for Supernatural, it was... mixed. They're still happy to send me the message that I should be dead or mutilated. (I wouldn't even mind Pam's eye-burning - what, are you kidding me? This is me - if I thought we would ever see her again, but I don't. More's the pity, I liked her.) Often, I can bypass the women in these cases and go straight for the sidekick, but the show doesn't have those either. Except Bobby, and he's more of a mentor. Also, totally too good for this show. *loves on Bobby* I don't know if I should shout for Jim Beaver to get out while he can. Considering that JDM was too good for the show and left, and is now doing sexist crap in movies instead, probably not.

They're still not saving people. *sigh* I miss the show this used to be, people, I really do. Besides, there's only so much you can fuck up urban legends. I don't trust Kripke with actual mythology.

I do remain cautiously happy about the angel storyline, though. So far, it seems pretty cool, especially with Sam and Dean on separate sides (and the good/bad of those sides unclear). I have to say, though, Dean? Research? There used to be a time when the first move after finding out the name of a supernatural being would be to look said being up. Or at least, y'know, call a Hebrew scholar and go, "Hey, I've got this guy whose name ends with 'God', can you tell me if the first part means 'Glory to' or 'Kill'? It might be important."

Castiel was creepy but not skeevy, so he kind of works. You'd think he'd figure out after the first try that Dean couldn't hear his heavenly voice, though. (Memo to God: If you're the one sending this guy, you might want to look into someone more competent. And with some people skills.)

So, a very cautious yay on the mythos, and a firmer yay on bringing the story forward, as well as keeping the emo moments to a level that's actually enjoyable. The Bobby/Dean reunion scene was about ten times better than the Sam/Dean reunion scene, but this is because Jim Beaver is too good for this show.

In short, not feeling too dirty, will read people's reaction posts to each eps and watch the ones that seem good.


And, like I said in the title, Patrik 1,5. I saw it Friday, with a ticket I got when I realized I had more than 200 points over at Synovate for participating in their web panel. Unfortunately, I ended up in front of silly teen girls who would not shut up and burst into giggles every time there was a gay kiss, which of course happened repeatedly. Apart from that, though, I really enjoyed the movie. It was pretty much everything I thought it would be: heartwarming, touching, funny. Plenty of clichés, sure, but they're used in a way that's... not ironic, but nostalgic. A little bit like Hairspray (no comparisons otherwise). (And of course the gay couple in the lead are so un-stereotypical as to be clichéd in another way: WE R SO ORDINARY FOR REALZ!)

A nice bonus: when Sven's teen daughter Isabell showed up, emo hair all over her face, I went, "Is that... it is, isn't it?" Seeing more of her face, I got my suspicions confirmed: It was Amanda Devin, who played the double leading role of Julia and Martin in Tur & Retur. Even though Isabell was a small role, it's good to see that she's still acting; she's so talented.

I think my favourite scene was in the restaurant, when Göran and Patrik are starting to make friends. Patrik teases Göran that he won't be able to get any dates because, "No one would want you," to which Göran replies, "Nor you." The look on Patrik's face, and Göran's immediate, stricken realization that this is the absolute wrong thing to say... ouch. Just perfect.

And in good news for all of you who aren't Swedes, the film will get international distribution. So just do what we always do and wait a year or two. :-)

film talk, supernatural, patrik 1.5, heroes, tv talk

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