fanfic title graphics

Aug 21, 2008 14:58

I have spent a lot of time lately making graphics for my recent and semi-old fanfics, and I'm now pretty much caught up (except with the Birthdayverse and possibly some really old stuff). I'm not a very accomplished photoshopper, but it'd be sad if no one ever saw them, so I'm linking to the fics here.

I am kind of pleased at how the title graphic for my Coupling story Grown Men Do Things Together turned out. It's not the exact same font, style and colours as the show, but close enough to look nice - plus, those spider costumes never fail to make me grin like an idiot. :-)

So, links:

All Your Cares Beguile (The Stand; Nick/Larry)

An Exercise in Trust (Lost; Sayid/Sawyer)

A Tris is Still a Tris (All Creatures Great and Small; James/Tristan)

Four Walls (Aliens in America; Raja)

Gabriels hem (Jerusalem; Gabriel, Ingmar)

Gladys Goes Kamikaze (A Sudden Wild Magic; Gladys/Lawrence)

Grown Men Do Things Together (Coupling; Jeff/Steve, Susan/Steve)

I Have Seen the Others (Power of Three; Gair, Hafny)

Keep Moving (Calvin & Hobbes; Calvin, Hobbes)

New Memories (Star Wars; Leia, Bail)

Not the First Date (The Time-Traveler's Wife; Clare/Henry)

Preparations (Jake 2.0; Jake, Kyle)

Seconds, Changes, Second Chances (Heroes; Hiro/Ando)

Some Secret Delight (Anne of Green Gables; Anne/Katherine)

The New New Yorker (Doctor Who/Beauty and the Beast; Doctor, Donna)

The Thorns of Ambrose (The Young Riders; Jimmy/Ambrose, Kid, Lou)

Typing and Temptations (Reaper; Sock/Sam, The Devil, Ben)

What Country, Friends, Is This? (Heroes; Nathan, OCs, Peter)

7 primarily boyslash, 1 primarily femslash, 8 primarily gen, 2 primarily het (though there are het elements in a couple of the other stories too). Huh.

anne of green gables, the new new yorker, beauty and the beast, coupling, aliens in america, a tris is still a tris, diana wynne jones, new memories, doctor who, all creatures great and small, reaper, gabriels hem, the young riders, an exercise in trust, not the first date, what country friends is this?, i have seen the others, typing and temptations, the stand, some secret delight, heroes, star wars, the time-traveler's wife, gladys goes kamikaze, all your cares beguile, fic talk, grown men do things together, the thorns of ambrose, lost, jake 2.0, preparations, keep moving, seconds changes second chances, jerusalem, calvin and hobbes, four walls

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