vid: The World Without

Jun 30, 2008 21:30

I was highly inspired to vid the Doctor Who episode Turn Left to a certain melody, and since multividious had an instrumental challenge I decided to make the vid to episodes from three fandoms instead of just the one. Enjoy!

Video Title: The World Without
Song: Visa i Molom by Alf Hambe, performed by Göteborgs symfonietta
Fandoms: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, Doctor Who
Length: 1.18 (including titles)
Spoilers/Notes: This video is an exploration of the episodes The Wish (BtVS 3.09), Birthday (Ats 3.11), and Turn Left (DW 4.11).
Challenge: Made for the instrumental challenge on multividious
Summary: Even in the worst of worlds, there are people struggling to make things better.

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doctor who, buffy the vampire slayer, angel, vids

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