there's nothing wrong with fancying cartoons, nuh-uh, not even animal cartoons

May 26, 2008 13:54

roseveare has mentioned repeatedly how she can't quite understand how anyone could have a crush on a cartoon character. Eventually, it made me decide to make a top list of all the cartoon characters I fancy.

So, this is the dual top ten (plus one). All these characters I would like to date if they were real and - in some instances - my species. (Hey, don't judge me! It's the creators' faults for humanizing animal characters in the first place! *g*)

Top Ten: Female

Nani Pelekai (Lilo & Stitch)
Devoted, somewhat snarky big sister who's willing to take on both aliens and social services to protect Lilo. Plus, you have to love a Disney heroine with actual hips.
Quote: "Did you lose your job because of Stitch and me?" "Nah. My boss is a vampire. He wanted me to join his legion of the undead."
Clip: Nani sings to Lilo.

Esmeralda (Hunchback of Notre Dame)
Setting aside canon differences - I gave up on that one after The Little Mermaid - Disney's Esmeralda rocks my socks. She's brave, she's cool, and she's really attractive. Just look at that hair, and those eyes!
Quote (song): "I ask for nothing, I can get by, but I know so many less lucky than I."
Clip: Esmeralda defies Frollo.

Fa Mulan (Mulan)
This was the movie that made axa ask me: ”What is it with you and crossdressers?” I couldn't, and still can't, answer her question, but I do know that I love this brave young woman who, to protect her ailing father, dresses up as a soldier and ends up saving China.
Quote: "You said you trust Ping. Why should Mulan be any different?"
Clip: Official movie trailer

Riza Hawkeye (FullMetal Alchemist)
In a story inhabited by very weird characters, Hawkeye is calm and collected, without ever sliding into the territory of boring.
Quote: "You're useless in the rain, so please stay back, Colonel!"
Clip (from 07.38 to 08.12): Hawkeye housebreaks her new dog.

Miss Bianca (The Rescuers)
Bianca is the oldest of my Disney heroines. She is also, admittedly, a mouse. But I've always had a thing for ladylike, adventurous rescuers, mice or not.
Quote: "Captain, you fly beautifully. It's just like being on a roller scooter." "He just went through a red light." "I do that all the time, darling. Now come on, stop worrying."
Clip: Rescue Aid Society Theme

Winry Rockbell (FullMetal Alchemist)
Winry is a truly lovable little tech geek: loyal, talented and funny. While there were many things that displeased me with the anime movie, one of the main issues I had was that it landed Edward in a world without Winry. It's not so much the end of romantic possibilities that chafes me (though that too) - but what on earth is Ed to do without his supertalented automail mechanic? Pray that his limbs never malfunction again?
Quote: "Edward, if you lose, I'll kick your ass!"
Clip: Winry geeks out over Ed's watch.

Princess Fiona (Shrek)
Even before she was turned into an ogre, Fiona was a kickass princess who pwned my heart in about a minute. The addition of green skin and trumpet-shaped ears only heightened her awesomeness.
Quote: "I'm supposed to be rescued by my true love, not by some ogre and his pet!"
Clip: Fiona kicks the collective asses of Robin Hood and his Merry Men.

Kayley (Quest for Camelot)
It is quite embarrassing to me that Q4C was my first internet fandom. I am not at all embarrassed, however, about loving its protagonists. Kayley's your quintessential spunky heroine, and the fact that she's a bit of a flake as well only serves to endear her more to me.
Quote: "Oh, I get it. This is where King Arthur sends his unfunny jesters, right?"
Clip: Last 6 minutes of the film (spoilery, of course)

Tendo Akane (Ranma ½)
This is cheating a bit, because I've only seen one episode of the anime and know her mostly from the manga (though admittedly, I've only read two of the books too), but never mind. Akane is a fierce girl who can kick your ass and thinks very little of boys. How fortunate that her intended is half girl, indeed!
Quote: "Me, marry that pervert!? Never!"
Clip: First half of episode 1 (second half below).

Belle (Beauty and the Beast)
BatB was one of the first Disney movies I saw, and being a bookish, fantasizing girl myself I immediately fell for Belle and adored seeing her love affair with Beast play out. (Talk about being disappointed when he turned into a prince by the end.)
Quote: "Say you'll marry me!" "I'm very sorry, Gaston... but... but I just don't deserve you!"
Clip: Belle's I Want song


Li Shang (Mulan)
If I sometimes wonder if perhaps there is something strange about fancying cartoon characters, Shang is where my shame stops. The way I figure it, if Disney didn't want me perving over cartoons, they wouldn't a) create a love interest who looks a bit like my favourite Superman, and b) have him take off his shirt all the time. Apart from being gorgeous, Shang is also smart, competent, brave, and would like to stay for dinner. ;-)
Quote: "Ping, you are the craziest man I've ever met, and for that I owe you my life. From now on, you have my trust."
Clip: I'll Make a Man Out of You

Thomas O'Malley (Aristocats)
And O'Malley is where I get the shame right back, because, well, he's a cat. But he's also basically the feline Han Solo - a laid-back, street-smart diamond in the rough. I can't decide if I want him as a pet, or want to use that Beauty and the Beast magic to turn him into a prince for me. *g*
Quote: "Get those two web-footed lifeguards out of here."
Clip: O'Malley the Alley Cat

Garrett (Quest for Camelot)
Hmm, brave, strong, intelligent, somewhat snarky character, physical disability, speaking voice by Cary Elwes... nope, can't think of any reasons why he'd make the list. * g*
Quote: "Oh, I didn't realize you were..." "What? Tall? Rugged? Handsome?" "Blind." "You know, I always forget that one!"
Clip: Part 6/9 of the film (AKA angsty backstory, martial arts training, and romantic song, all within ten minutes.)

David Kawena (Lilo & Stitch)
David's the love interest who isn't, quite. It's clear from the movie that he's interested in having a relationship with Nani, that he can wait while she sorts out her family trouble, and that he's a really good friend in the meantime. He's sweet, good-looking, and knows that surfing can cheer you up on a bad day. What's not to like?
Quote: "So you're from outer space? I hear the surfing is choice."
Clip: David plays with fire.

Edward Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist)
Okay, so he's just a kid. No matter. Age him up a decade and he's fiiiine. :-) He's a tiny, aggressive, self-obsessed jerk with oodles of talent, a love for books, and a guilt complex the size of his brother's seven-foot armour.
Quote: "It's been a while since I've killed anyone. I kinda miss it."
Clip: Ed vs. Barry the Chopper.

Roy Mustang (Fullmetal Alchemist)
This is where roseveare loses respect for me completely. Mustang is a careerist, a womanizer, a cynical bastard - and really shagable. Not suitable for anything long-term (though he does have his good sides), but he'd be helluva lot of fun for the short-term!
Quote: "Don't die under my command, you're enough of a pain without the paperwork."
Clip: Mustang's imagined improvements for the army.

Aladdin (Aladdin)
I can never resist a good-looking thief with a heart of gold. :-) I think this was around the time that Disney started figuring out that they could make their princes (or, well, street urchins) more than just a pretty face.
Quote: "Provisos? You mean limitations? On wishes? Huh. Some all-powerful Genie. Can't even bring people back from the dead. I don't know, Abu. He probably can't even get us out of this cave. Looks like we're gonna have to find a way outta here."
Clip: One Step Ahead

Quasimodo (The Hunchback of Notre Dame)
I don't really know what to say except "OMG sweetest guy ever!" Trust Disney to make him even the Hunchback of Notre Dame cute.
Quote: "No! You listen! All my life, you have told me that the world is a dark, cruel place. But now I see that the only thing dark and cruel about it is people like you."
Clip: Quasimodo encourages a baby bird to fly.

Phoebus (The Hunchback of Notre Dame)
It's to the credit of the scriptwriters (and Kevin Kline's performance) that even though I love Quasi to pieces, I can't mind Esmeralda choosing Phoebus... well, not mind much, anyway. For a Disney prince, he's delightfully tongue-in-cheek, as well as a really righteous dude. (And yes, I'm aware this isn't canon. Shut up. *g*)
Quote: "Candlelight, privacy, Romantic music. Can't think of a more perfect setting for hand-to-hand combat."
Clip: Phoebus' introduction.

Puss in Boots (Shrek 2, Shrek the Third)
I didn't use to care about Antonio Banderas. Evita warmed me up a little. Zorro a little bit more. Then there was Puss, and oh baby! Puss is a hilarious example of a Latin Lover in cat shape - a great swordsman, not afraid to make use of those huge kitty eyes.
Quote: "Pray for mercy from Puss - in boots."
Clip: Random Puss clips.

Special mention

Saotome Ranma (Ranma ½)
You know me. I can never resist a good androgyne. *snickers* Ranma spends half the time as a girl, half the time as a boy, and all the time as a headstrong jerk with a tendency to engage in entertaining banter with Akane.
Quote: "Besides, it's no big deal for me to see a naked girl. I mean, I've seen myself plenty of times, right? And I'm better built, to boot."
Clip: Second half of first episode.

aladdin, beauty and the beast, the rescuers, vids, disney, hunchback of notre dame, shrek, lilo & stitch, mulan, fullmetal alchemist, links, movie talk, tv talk, quest for camelot, music, ranma 1/2, aristocats

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