final set of yuletide recs

Jan 05, 2008 00:15

Here's the last of my yuletide recs - a few days after the reveal, but then, I pay very little attention to author names at the best of times. (It's very useful; it means that when my favourite authors post to comms instead of their own journals/sites, I keep getting surprised at how good their stories are, because I never realize they're the writers.)

Special mention to the Starman (tv) story Right on Your Table by jadelennox, which I didn't mention before since I was the beta reader. I've only seen one ep of the series, but I enjoyed the story greatly anyway - it's engaging, well written, and suspenseful.

Now, for the recs, fandoms starting with D-J:

Dead Like Me: The Long Haul
Really nice piece for Roxy, who needs more fics if you ask me.

Diana Wynne Jones - Castle Series: In Which It's Happily Ever After After All
Incredibly cute story where Sophie is starting to feel a bit discontent with her marriage.

Diana Wynne Jones - Chronicles of Chrestomanci: A Benevolent Arrangement
Very interesting character piece for Mordecai and Chrestomanci.

Diana Wynne Jones - Chronicles of Chrestomanci: Of Dogs and Children; or, How Christopher Chant Became a Father
This story is a very good reason to love Millie - and to love writers who write of Millie.

Diana Wynne Jones - Chronicles of Chrestomanci: La Familia
Fabulous, long story (make sure to have time!) about what happens when Millie takes ill. Among other things, it includes a brilliant appearance by Miranda Chant.

Diana Wynne Jones - Dogsbody: Running Away
Perfectly lovely story of Kathleen's life.

Diana Wynne Jones - Eight Days of Luke: Those Who Favour Fire
Low-key (sorry, can't help myself *) David & Luke piece that touches the tragedy of the story.

Diana Wynne Jones - Magid series: Intended
Maree and Rupert with children, which is just as confused and disastrous and fantastic as you'd imagine.

Diana Wynne Jones - The Ogre Upstairs: There's Something Out There and It's Laughing at Us
Malcolm gets turned into a cat. Hijinks and slashiness ensue. Very funny and charming story.

Dogma: Wisconsin, for All Eternity
Very sweet Loki POV story about Bartleby.

Dorothy L Sayers - Lord Peter Wimsey series: And the Better Man
Highly touching story of Peter and Bunter during the war, with some UST-y overtones.

Dorothy L Sayers - Lord Peter Wimsey series: Scarce Any Man
Really good view of Harriet pre-Peter.

Dorothy L Sayers - Lord Peter Wimsey series: The Dependant Classes
Another war story, just as good, with a quick characterisation of an OC as well as very good insight to Peter.

Dorothy L Sayers - Lord Peter Wimsey series: The Indiscretion of the Hon. John Fairfield
A tale with some UST between Peter and Bunter, but more than the slash, the details really make this story.

Douglas Adams - Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy: Holiday
Very bizarre, very Adamsesque story about when the computer of Heart of Gold takes some time off.

Douglas Adams - Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy: Reunification
Very amusing pre-HGTTG story with a particularly fun Ford.

The Family Stone: For Everything
Incredibly touching story. Go read it right away.

Fried Green Tomatoes: We'll Take What We Can Carry, and We'll Leave the Rest
The life Ruth and Idgie should have had, and the one they did. Incredibly touching.

Friends: The One Where Chandler Isn't Gay
This is completely hilarious, and Joey is so utterly Joey that I was laughing like an idiot.

Full House: An Empty House
I'm not sure if this is a rec or a warning, but this piece of NC-17 kink fic utterly BROKE MY BRAIN.

Hairspray: (And My Heart's) Keeping Time
Just the fact that there's Corny/Maybelle fics in the archive (three of them!) makes me dizzy, because Queen Latifah and James Marsden are two of the most gorgeous people I know. That it's high quality as well has me squeeing like crazy.

Hairspray: Big, Blonde And Beautiful
More Corny/Maybelle, steaming hot.

Hairspray: Gentleman
And even more. :-) Very sweet and romantic.

Hairspray: The Beat Goes On
And for some variation, have this lovely Tracy POV story.

Hairspray: Detente
Penny and Amber have a heart-to-heart. Yes. Really. :-)

Jasper Fforde - Thursday Next series: Intruder Alert
Thursday meets someone unexpected in Lord of the Rings, and the results completely crack me up. I suspect this one will be fun even for people who haven't read the Thursday Next books, as long as you know that she travels through books solving crime.

Jasper Fforde - Thursday Next series: The Eagle Conspiracy
Thursday in LotR once more, in a longer fic this time, which brings in lots of delightful characters from various pieces of literature (and *cough* elsewhere) and makes sure that the plot of Tolkien's great work takes as long as it's supposed to and then some. Brilliant story.

Jekyll: Gauntlet
This story captures the creepiness of the Jackman-Hyde transformation really well.

fic recs, yuletide

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