(no subject)

Dec 10, 2007 11:16

I'm now going to say something that'll make some of you a little bit stressed out:

I just posted my Yuletide story.

Whew! Now I only have to spend the next two weeks fretting that I wrote the wrong recipient (although I've double-checked several times already), or the wrong author name (although my name is there on the front page with multicolor exclamation marks), or that I wrote a stupid summary, or that my recipient won't like it, or that no one else will...

*takes deep breath*

Anyway. Glad that's done.

jadelennox did the beta and told me that my English has improved during the years we've known each other. This pleases me a lot - I think the same thing, reading my old fics, but it's nice that someone else agrees!


jensugah continues to send me interesting links, this time Phelps & co's odd opinion about the Swedish royal family: here and here. I know that raging bigotry is depressing in a way, but there's something about seeing our harmless king portrayed as a big ol' pervert that's endearingly hilarious.

For those of you who aren't familiar with our blue-blooded clan, the Swedish royal family is nothing like the British. The main scandals for this lot has been the queen having a facelift (has this even been confirmed?), one of the princesses having eating disorders, the king mixing up town names during a speech - oh, and the queen's father having had Nazi connections once upon a time, which I suppose is a pretty big deal. Bunch of debauchers they ain't. :-)


Much nicer is the fact that Jonathan Coulton let YouTube's Emily up on stage to do the Code Monkey Dance. Can you say "aww"?


In other nice YouTube news, the Dead Like Me movie trailer is up. Wow, Reggie grew up nicely! Love Roxy going, "There's nothing passive about my aggression!" (May need another Roxy icon. Not that I use the one I have much.) Even without Rube and with a different Daisy, I just might end up liking this film.

Also, as I told settiai who linked to this trailer in the first place, I just rewatched Hook, and the little girl in that film looks just like Ellen Muth - even more so grown up. (Seeing that film, I kept recognizing faces I hadn't when I was 11: Maggie Smith! Gwyneth Paltrow! Dolph from But I'm a Cheerleader! Btw, how sad is it when one's favourite character isn't even IN the original story? I guess the only reason I'm not foaming at the mouth at the defilation of the Peter Pan myth is because I don't give a flying fuck - Peter Pan always rubbed me the wrong way anyway.)


And though I'm a bit late, yayness for Jodie Foster and Queen Latifah both coming out! I heard about QL first, and it says quite a bit about me that while my first thought was, "Yay, she's gay!" the second one was, "Oh no, she's taken!"

Memo to self: You will never date a movie star. Ever.

movie talk, jonathan coulton, sweden, dead like me, celebrities

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