Thoughts on Four Months Ago

Nov 13, 2007 19:47

My very first thought upon finishing the ep was this: Nathan grew that beard in a couple of weeks? The beard truly has special powers. In fact, my new theory is that he never actually shaved - the beard escaped and is now living like a king in Patagonia.

As for my old theory - the Kensei one - it seems I was at least partway right. I wish I could take credit for that, but the truth is I probably wouldn't even have gone down that path if I hadn't been mainlining spoilers all summer. I love that both Kensadam and Bob are so warped that we can't really trust either. Yay! (Sometimes this show feels like Musical Hats - as in white and black ones.) And Elle is a lot more interesting now that we know she's a complete nutter. I'm still not entirely warmed to Kristen Bell's acting style, but it'll do. (I only ever saw half a dozen eps of Veronica Mars and didn't like her much there either.)

Angela/Heidi has promises for some nice fucked-up femslash, and Angela was delightfully evil as we all know she can be. Sometimes I wonder if she believes herself.

I've come to the conclusion that I like DL a lot more than I like Niki, which makes it a bit annoying that she's the one they insisted on keeping. And while the abruptness of DL's death sort of worked, it also sort of pissed me off. That's all he gets, you know? Oh well. At least Micah has a non-Niki storyline this year.

Mayalejandro - unlike other people, I don't really mind the two of them, but I didn't feel we really got anything new at this point. So she killed her brother's in-laws and tried to become a nun. It's not something we knew, but it's not really interesting either. I really wish I believed the show knows where to take these two.

That's all for this ep, I think! I enjoyed it in a fluffy sort of way without feeling that desperate OMGwhathappensnext? And the only thing that made me growly was idiots over at matt_mohinder posting spoilers without a cut mere hours after the show aired. Not that I cared, but the mere fact of it was just so tremendously stupid.

heroes, tv talk

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